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Smart Insights Alert: How will retargeting be affected by changes to iOS11 and macOS High Sierra Safari users? Google also updates Adwords in response to Apple’s ITP for Safari

Apple is making massive waves again, this time in the advertising industry (but not in a good way for digital marketers). Apple has introduced ITP - Intelligent Tracking Prevention - for those using their Safari browser, a new feature in their upcoming software update. Marketers are facing one more obstacle in their online advertising campaigns as this new feature will essentially prevent you from Retargeting your customers effectively. Safari, Apple's default browser, is used by 14.9% of internet users - a small proportion, but a proportion of a target audience that may no longer be accessible because of this ad blocking. Retargeting is a great way to persuade users to return to a site or convert into a paying customer, a major feature of marketing today. …

Re-targeting is crucial to closing sales. Here is how to do it right.

There is only one difference between using Facebook to promote your services, and having a marketing system that gets consistent, reliable and better results (almost) on autopilot. Marketers and business owners know how important it is to have a comprehensive marketing plan, one that pushes people into your funnel and transform them into customers. The problem is that most marketers are NOT using retargeting, or they don’t use it with the aim of creating Custom Audiences in order to reach specific people and gain different marketing objectives. In this article you will discover why having a comprehensive retargeting strategy on Facebook can cover EVERY single step of your funnel, empowering all your marketing efforts. Let’s start immediately.

1. Raise brand awareness

An effective marketing funnel should include a brand awareness stage. Here, retargeting can help you reach and engage more people interested in your…

Leverage the power of your data

Too many marketers are spending vast amounts of ad spend to essentially learn about how their campaigns should work. Why not rethink your approach and use your existing data to transform your paid activity and enhance your return on investment.

The problem with paid content distribution

A campaign manager for a major sportswear retailer is looking at the brand’s customer base, eCRM insight and its demographic profile data. Amongst this data, they identify that a large proportion of their customers has a keen interest in football shirts. It’s the peak season for new shirts being released from all of the major football clubs, so this is a prime moment to be launching paid social and retargeting campaigns for the latest football strips. The retailer starts the campaign, and throws a significant investment behind it – in terms of both content and ad spend. However, there is a problem.…

Audience segmentation goes beyond social media with 'Addressable TV'

Digital channels have perfected the art of user-specific advertising. Facebook shows you ads that are relevant to your interests, and you’ll often visit a website and see an ad for an item you recently researched but didn’t purchase. Display ad marketers use 'retargeting' to recapture lost potential sales and drive conversions. Now, this same digital concept can be applied to television which enjoys the largest audience reach of any media today at 96%. Addressable television allows marketers to show specific commercials to certain viewers after segmenting them based on data-driven household profiles; the technology to enable addressable television only requires the IP addresses from set top boxes, which allows a TV’s Nielsen data to be integrated with the data from other devices and databases.

Addressable TV campaign with Chevy and DirectTV &DISH

To get a closer look at how addressable television works, we…

How shoppers can be encouraged to purchase using retargeting

American shoppers are spending more online, with revenue is expected to reach $307 billion by 2017. VWO 's eCommerce survey highlights some interesting findings to optimise your communication strategy as it explores how to capture the attention of online shoppers and understand what influences their buying decision.

One of the challengers is to encourage shoppers to return to their shopping carts, once abandoned. So how do you encourage them to return?

The survey highlights the power of 'Retargeting': '54% of buyers will buy retargeted products, if a discount is offered' The graph shows there are tactics available to convert shoppers with retargeting and the most receptive are 18-34 year olds. You can read the full report for more ecommerce conversion tactics.…

A briefing on the options for creating more relevant, personalised offers for online shoppers

A recent report from Razorfish showed that 76% of businesses don't use behavioural targeting (or at least 'C-level' execs who responded to the survey weren't aware of it it being used in their companies). In this article, Jose Carlos Cortizo explains what Behavioural Targeting is and introduces how it can be used within E-commerce sites. Many of these approaches can and should be used for other types of business, so you may want to serve different content or offers to returning visitors for example.  

What is behavioural targeting?

At its simplest, Behavioural Targeting is segmentation based on customer behaviours. One benefit of Behavioural Targeting is the ability to organize our customers based on variables related to their behaviours, such as the number of visits they have made to our online store, what products they have bought, what categories…

Are you ‘Always On’ and marketing in real-time?

A new Adobe sponsored Razorfish study, The State of Always-On Marketing surveyed 685 ‘C-suite executives’ to reveal that 76% of marketers do not make use of segmented or behavioural data in their marketing. “Razorfish defines Always-On Marketing as data-driven, content-led experiences, delivered across channels and devices in real time."

Some other key insight from the research

Less than 5% believe that they are managing experiences for an “always-on” consumer Only 38% believed they are capable of targeting prospects versus returning customers Just 13% feel that their companies are pushing segmented experiences and measuring the results "“Regardless of channel type, there is a huge difference between spending money on speaking to someone who is never going to buy your product or service versus investing in speaking to someone who is likely to convert or influence other converters”. Pete Stein, CEO of Razorfish, New York Sounds high? Probably, but is it…

How Programmatic Marketing will transform E-Commerce

E-commerce, which now accounts for 8% of all retail sales in the U.S., is already growing quickly. But that rapid growth is likely just the beginning. The rise of programmatic marketing promises to make selling and buying over the Internet easier and more efficient than ever. Let’s take a quick look at the future of e-commerce. By now you may have heard about Site Retargeting

What is Site Retargeting?

Site Retargeting, a marketing technique that targets users with display ads after they visit a site with the aim of bringing them back for a conversion. For example, if you look at a couch on the site of a furniture retailer, you might then browse to another site and see a display ad for the couch you just viewed. Site Retargeting has now evolved into Programmatic Site Retargeting (PSR). Whereas basic Site Retargeting targets primarily by the page a user…

Review your use of search retargeting with this new benchmark

Only a few years ago, 'retargeting' was the hot new practice in online advertising. Today, as Chango’s new Retargeting Barometer report makes clear, retargeting has entered the mainstream. Let’s take a quick look at this survey of marketers and agencies to see exactly what it revealed and why it should be of special interest to search marketers. Who responded? The Retargeting Barometer consists of responses from 51 U.S. and Canadian marketers working for brands and agencies in a diverse group of industries, including retail, financial services, travel, auto, CPG and B2B. One of the biggest takeaways was straightforward enough: retargeting has arrived, and it’s here to stay. Only a year ago, almost half of survey respondents had to form a new budget for retargeting. This year, budgeting was no longer an obstacle. Only 17% percent of respondents had…

A more effective way to utilise online paid media spend?

Since we're still firmly in the midst of a recession, it is still the challenge for businesses to grow and invest wisely. Hopefully this doesn't mean you have stopped testing new ideas / channels. While this post isn't covering anything amazingly new, I hope it will inspire you to consider a different way of utilising your online paid media budget. Think differently! Compared to traditional PPC and Display advertising, the targeting and ideas below can potentially generate you a better ROI.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a term now associated with online display advertising since Google adopted this name when it started offering AdWords remarketing in 2011. It refers to where adverts are specifically targeted at people who have visited your website before and are tracked by an adserving service like AdWords. As a concept, remarketing can cover both prospects and customers alike, the…