Pinterest is a platform for sharing visual content. So, to expand awareness and reach of your brand, the quality of your visual content is the key to success on Pinterest.

Pinterest is for creative marketers! By making sure your content is imaginative, eye-catching, interesting and useful, you will be able to reach out to expand your audience and keep them interested. In this article, there are some basics of managing integration with other channels and SEO that we will cover at the foundation of expanding reach. A few headline statistics about Pinterest: 70 million users from the US 80 million users outside of the US 81% of Pinterest users are actually Females 40% of New Signups are Men; 60% New Signups are Women. Median age of a Pinterest user is 40, however majority of active pinners are below 40 There are over 75 billion ideas on Pinterest 87% of Pinners have purchased a product…

Effective experiential campaigns produce ongoing engagement between customer and brand, and social media is a key component in fortifying long-term consumer loyalty

If there’s one thing Millennials have taught us, it’s that people no longer want to view content passively. They want to engage moment to moment, creating their own content and enjoying intimate interactions with their favorite personalities. In short, they crave experiences.

Instagram reacted by launching its Stories feature in 2016, offering a way for people to share their experience with a more seamless alternative to Snapchat’s popular story feature. The two companies have been battling it out since then, though a 2017 study found Instagram is currently the preferred platform for popular influencers.


Social Media Essentials: Catch up with the latest updates in social media

Welcome to our weekly summary of what's happened in social media this week. We highlight the top stories to help you stay up to date with social media, here is what caught our attention this week.

Twitter officially expands its character count to 280

Twitter announced back in September that they would be expanding beyond its 140-character limit.  This was finally rolled out to all user this week. This will be for select languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, to allow users to share their thoughts without running out of room in the tweet. They will be testing this feature out on a small group of verified accounts, to begin with. Their reasoning for expanding the character count was because, for those tweeting in some languages such as Japanese, Korean or Chinese, they require fewer characters than tweets in English or Spanish. Twitter…

Find the most effective ways to increase social ROI

So, you know that social media is a critical part of your customers’ lives. You’ve got a social media plan going, but you’re not seeing great results just yet. Perhaps you are still figuring out the best channels for reaching your target audience, or maybe you’re still learning about what content is most engaging. [si_guide_block id="82119" title="Download FREE Resource – 10 common social media marketing mistakes" description="Our actionable guide to avoiding common social media marketing mistakes to help you avoid the pitfalls that limit engagement with your target audience."/] If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your social media operations and increase your ROI, here are the things you must pay attention to.

1. You can't improve what you don't measure

Virtually all businesses are using social media these days, but most companies aren’t getting a great ROI. A major reason why ROI for social…

How to use emojis for social and email marketing success

With more than 60 million emojis sent each day and 2,666 emojis in the Unicode Standard to choose from it's hard not to notice the popularity of these small icons. Emojis are no longer limited to text messages. Emojis are everywhere in movies, marketing campaigns, clothing, emails and even as bank passwords. But before you start packing emojis into your campaigns, we consider the best ways to incorporate emojis into your marketing strategy.

[si_guide_block id="5768" title="Download Paid Member Resource – Social Media Strategy Guide " description="Understand how to best use social media in your marketing strategy as an individual or as a business."/]

Who uses emojis?

Emojis are not for everyone, you need to fully understand your target audience before you start including emojis in your content. According to Sproat Social, 60% of women use emojis frequently compared to 41% of men. They also reported that 75%…

We talked to Scott Jaworski, Director of Global Social Media at Intel to find out how Intel manages social media on a global basis

In a recent survey Smart Insights, and Clutch, found that social media usage and effectiveness differs between B2B and B2C companies: Facebook was found to be the most valuable platform for B2C companies (96%), whilst LinkedIn is the most valuable for B2B companies. To find out more about trends in managing social media in large global brands, we interviewed Scott Jaworski, Director of Global Social Media at Intel, one of many senior keynote speakers at the Marketing Leadership Forum on October 5-6. We were interested to learn his thoughts on social media trends and innovations, brand identity on social, and mass-communications.

Trends and…

344 social media managers confirm that social media positively influencers revenue and sales

Social media is everywhere and is vastly expanding - but what effect do the various social platforms have on a company's brand awareness, engagement, revenue, and sales? Because of the range of platforms available it can be difficult to know where to start, what platforms your target audience is using, and what content to share to increase engagement.

[si_guide_block id="5768" title="Download Paid Member Resource – Social Media Strategy Guide " description="Understand how to best use social media in your marketing strategy as an individual or as a business."/]

Smart Insights partnered up with Clutch, a service which helps businesses make B2B buying decisions, to find out what and how social media is being used in marketing and its effects on content distribution. You can view the full free report here. Over half of those surveyed (52%) said that social media has positively influenced revenue…

How to get the most from your social media strategy

Most marketing can be as disciplined, precise, and synchronized as Lipizzaner show horses. Social media marketing, though, is more like a Wild West rodeo. Considering how untamed and unpredictable social media can be, it’s incredibly easy to make a misstep. It seems deceptively simple on the surface, but executing a successful social media campaign is quite complicated. Anything you might save in actual dollars is going to cost you in time. Some of the confusion stems from companies trying to repurpose content on various channels instead of adjusting their approach for every platform. People want to be cutting-edge and present on every platform available, but they fail to understand what makes each channel unique. Take something as simple as photographs, for example. People frequently use production shots — professional photos of items in a sterile white environment — on social channels. These photos are perfectly…

Chart of the day: 28% of internet users have watched a live stream on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

According to a recent report, 28% of internet users who have watched a live stream on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, up from 20% in 2016. This increase will be due to the number of businesses introducing live stream into their marketing strategy. Social platforms now have live streaming tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, making it easier for anyone to go live. What does this mean for marketers? As time spent online on social media increases, more users will be engaging with live video content. Brands need to use this opportunity to reach a larger audience and engage their current customers. It also gives viewers the…

The biggest social media platform changes this week, including important algorithm updates affecting non-mobile optimized websites.

Last week, we reported that Facebook is introducing Watch, a new video platform where they intend to start creating original content - with advertising opportunities before and during shows. This week we have seen some important changes to Facebook's newsfeed algorithm and other big changes to social platforms, including LinkedIn video.

Spotlight Story: Facebook newsfeed will penalize non-mobile optimized sites.

This algorithm update will reduce the reach of websites that are not mobile-friendly and have longer loading times (much like Google algos have in organic search since April 2016). Considering, Facebook showed in their 2017 Q1 earnings that mobile ad revenue was $6.7 billion, up 58% year-over-year and was approximately 85% of total ad revenue, it is no surprise that they are favouring mobile-friendly sites. They announced that they would like to help businesses leverage the power of marketing…