Manage negative comments effectively and leverage positive ones to protect and promote your brand

Research shows that 3 out of every 4 consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions while nearly 85% of them read up to 10 online reviews before they can trust a brand. Going by these statistics, it is absolutely important for you as a brand to pay close attention to mentions, comments and reviews on social media and deal with them effectively.

It all begins with listening

Unless you have a system in place to keep track of all the comments and mentions about your brand, managing them effectively is going to be an uphill task. Here are 5 tools to help you monitor your mentions and comments:


Hootsuite allows you to keep a tab on specific keywords and hashtags…

How Facebook and Twitter have evolved in 2015

Welcome to the first series in an analysis of the biggest things that have happened so far in the world of social media. 2015 has proved to be a busy year where many new features and tools were brought to life with the intention of helping marketers and advertisers get better results. This post will specifically focus on reviewing how Twitter and Facebook have been working on the expansion of their current features, while in part two I will review other social networks. There is a strong focus on providing marketers with a set of new advertising features in order to turn paid content into a better experience. New toolkits are also added with the intention of improving video creation and promotion. We have also seen an expansion of analytical tools which broaden the understanding of how to create better campaigns that drive business results. Amongst…

It's maybe not the social networks you expect

13-17 year-olds are the 'digital natives' and with 92% of teens are online on a daily basis, if you are looking to advertise to this market, it pays to know what social platforms they are using.

So which social media platform is the most popular with teens?

The 2015 update of Mary Meeker's Mobile marketing 2015 analysis shows that it's certainly not the case that Facebook isn't used by the teenage audience, but across this heterogeneous age group, Instagram and Snapchat are growing while Facebook and Twitter have declined in popularity between 2014 and 2015. A recent study from Pew Research Centre highlights that over 70% of teens are using Facebook and these 13-17 year olds are still sharing content across more than one social network. The findings show that Instagram and…

Lolcats to London Fashion Week: social engagement with AwesomeWall

I (Marie) worked with the team from We Make Awesome Sh a few weeks ago for an outdoor music event. Whilst I was working on social media, the Awesome Sh team were busy building the “AwesomeWall”. So much more than a bunch of hashtagged word-based tweets, the wall surfaced images from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were uploaded and hashtagged throughout the event. To my mind this marks another step change in tools for live user engagement for brands. I asked the team to do us a little guest blog about the story behind the technology:

It all started with a Lolcats hack

AwesomeWall was born from the internet’s love of cats. It started as a quick hack from the We Make Awesome Sh (WMAS) team back in 2011. Seizing on tech opportunities as they offer themselves up, right after the release of the Instagram API, they built …

Strategic social media mistakes

It's good to see an infographic which focuses on 'strategic mistakes' and covers more than the social media tactics. How many of us are still manually posting content or our managers are measuring our social media content based on the 'quantity' of followers rather than the 'quality', results and their profile? Thanks to Jason Squires for bringing these to the forefront of our minds, as many times we are aware of our mistakes but may feel captured in a web which we can't escape from, due to resources or other challenges. …

Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and Sprout Social are top rated

There are many social media management products in the market, both paid and free, available to manage your activity across your social media channels. Sometimes it feels like there is too much choice. It can be difficult to choose the right tool unless you have received a firm recommendation from a colleague or a review. Previously this week we have given our reviews in these recent posts of 6 free social media tools and 7 less-well known social media marketing tools. G2 Crowd, a industry-leading review platform company, have recently surveyed their user community to rank the social media management tools which they use, in terms of customer satisfaction. Together with vendor information on market share, vendor size, and social impact, they have compiled some interesting reviews along with a summary of key features, customer satisfaction…

Check out these simple tools and apps for social media management to cut down time and increase effectiveness

As a social media marketing professional, there are certain questions that will constantly be on your mind. What are people saying about your product? Are they talking about it? Do they even know about it? Fortunately, these questions are no longer lost in the wind thanks to the wide variety of social media platforms online marketers have at their disposal. To drive engagement on social media it is imperative that you consistently share interesting, relevant and fresh content with your audience. But sifting through crates of information on the web is frustrating and time-consuming for companies. Unfortunately, it’s not an exercise most startups can afford to forgo. Amidst the ever increasing noise on social media, catching the customer’s eye is hardly easy. Your businesses must consistently maintain visibility. Understanding the behavior of your customers and…

Measuring your Instagram activity for lead acquisition and sales conversion

We know that, at a basic level, social media activity can be measured with interactions, including 'Likes', 'Comments' and 'Followers' though are sharing the new Instagram trend, by measuring beyond this and driving Instagrammers to 'click your bio link'. This infographic from  shares a 5 step process for Instagram marketing from posting to measurement, highlighting how 5 content brands are using this technique. Measuring your Instagram traffic doesn't have to be time consuming and basic, but you have to know the tricks of the trade to get around the limitations. This infographic shows you how.   [si_guide_block id="35932" title="Download resources – Smarter Instagram Marketing Guide" description="How to tap into consumer activity on Instagram and us it to grow your business."/] If you are new to Instagram, read our Guide and check…

Facebook does battle with YouTube to be the king of online video

YouTube has controlled online video pretty much since its inception. There have been some challengers, but they have pretty much given up the ghost and concentrated on their niche. The platform has made stars of online talent who got in there early and understood their audience. And some of those have become very wealthy off the back of YouTube's ubiquity. But just recently there's been a sea-change that is a genuine threat to YouTube's dominance and this is happening quickly and as you read this. YouTube has always had its problems. You have no control over the data, the ad returns are poor (if you require them) and targeting is very difficult. However it is/was the place where people go to find out stuff, be entertained, look…

Examples of how to start getting results from Facebook

This post is an introductory guide to setting up your business on Facebook if you don't already have a company page or it has been neglected! If you are looking for more advanced content to optimise your use of Facebook, check out our other posts on Facebook marketing and related guides. Setting up a Facebook business page takes less than 30 minutes and is super-simple (if you’re yet to get started, we’ve included a handy “how-to” infographic below that will take you through what to do) however Facebook marketing isn’t all plain sailing - the tricky part is in understanding what to do to utilise the network to its full potential. Let’s take a look at a few insider tips that will get you on the right road to mastering the art of Facebook marketing and give you an introduction to Facebook for business …
