Facebook is no longer all about B2C
The received wisdom in digital marketing circles has always been that Facebook is great for B2C marketing - and stalking old schoolmates - but not really worth the effort for B2B. This attitude is based on the assumption that the majority of people don’t want to see, much less share and engage with, work-related content on Facebook. After all, it’s where most of us go to blow off steam, watch cat videos, and catch up with friends.
Consequently, most marketers choose instead to focus their efforts on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter - but they’re missing a trick. In a recent survey of B2B marketers, almost three-fifths of respondents reported that Facebook ads delivered the best ROI of any platform.
If 2016 has taught us anything, it’s that the received wisdom can’t always be trusted.…
Advertising revenue for Snapchat predicted to rise 2873% in the next 3 years
With over 150 million people using Snapchat each day to message friends and catch up with the latest celebrity news, it's primed for marketers to target the 18 to 34-year-old (41% of users) demographic with advertising. According to Statista revenue through advertising is set to rise to over 1.7 billion by 2018, which is truly phenomenal but still has a way to go to rival Facebook's $5.2 billion in the first quarter of this year.
Source: Statista
Brands that are utilising the growth of the Snapchat platform are increasingly joining forces with high-profile influencers to place their products in front of the increasingly difficult to please demographic of 18-34 year olds.
One of the most recognisable marketing activities are the sponsored lenses, which instead…
How to boost your social media marketing with the power of visual storytelling
On social media, cutting through the noise is no easy task. But it’s the question you have to ask yourself with every piece of content you aim at your customers — how do we make our story rise above the cacophony?
As Picfair’s community and content manager, working with publishers and content creators across the globe daily, a constant theme in my work has been ensuring images are used to maximise the potency of any social media content. Here are some actionable steps to improve your visual storytelling on social media.
1. Be Human
The need for stories that strike an emotional chord has never been more important. Joe Pulizzi, CEO of Content Marketing Institute recently wrote: “In past years, a term that was frequently mentioned at Content Marketing World was “relevance.” Six years later, that sentiment has evolved…
Facebook dominates social media by audience reach AND engagement
We all know Facebook is the most popular social network. Yet it's useful to be reminded how important it is since it helps us prioritise our marketing focus accordingly. This comScore 'Digital Future in Focus' report shows the importance of Facebook in an interesting format since it shows levels of audience engagement with the platform compared to reach.
By comparing Reach on the X-axis against Engagement on the Y-axis we can see how far ahead Facebook is compared to the other social networks. This data is for a younger US audience, but the report shows a similar pattern for an older audience and the 'Future in Focus' series covers other countries too. Note that this picture could be considered a little misleading if it was…
Five ways to supercharge your Facebook video ad campaigns for your brand
Facebook is now pretty much a ubiquitous presence in many of our lives. The platform now has over 1.65 billion monthly users and is considered so influential that it was even accused of affecting the outcome of the US presidential election.
What’s been fascinating to see is how Facebook has evolved as a mobile + video-first platform over the last couple of years. Of the 1+ billion people on Facebook every day, 100 million hours of video is consumed. Emerging social apps such as Snapchat have redefined how video is consumed on mobile (from clunky and expensive to quick and informal) and Facebook themselves point to the 2015 ALS ice bucket challenge as a turning point for social video proliferation. The trend proved just how simple and easy it was for anyone to upload video online, whether it was…
Chart of the Day: Social Media spend has always fallen well below predictions
Making predictions is easy. Identify a trend and extrapolate to your heart's content. So long as you don't actually check what you predicted against the real world data when the time comes, then you're in the clear.
Except when some killjoy comes along and goes and plots your predictions against what actually happened for four years in a row and found your predictions were consistently overshooting reality.
That's what happened when the CMO survey asked 388 top US marketing execs about their actual and predicted social media spend. The CMOs consistently predicted higher social media spending than was actually the case, and if they were meeting their predictions they would be spending close to twice as much on social media marketing as they are at current.
So why is this? It could…
Chart of the Day: Snapchat was the most used social media app for twice as many people in 2016.
Today's Chart of the Day is influenced by the latest news of Snapchat trialing two new features to increase a marketer return on their ad spend on the channel.
But before we get into the new features (scroll to under the chart if you can't wait), this chart from the infinite dial 2016 report from Edison research shows that while Facebook is the most used social media channel by a significant margin, Snapchat is the only brand to make major gains when compared to 2015 by moving from 4% of users to 8%. This is only made more incredible for Snapchat when you consider that Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest had their share reduced and Instagram remained the same. For more information on snapchat, see our article on Snapchat Marketing Stats.
Use these Social Media Analysis Tools to better understand your customers
With the advent of digital marketing trends, social media analysis has become crucial to monitor the multitude of audience interactions towards the different products and services. Today, there are more than 500 tools in the market to measure a campaign’s performance on the different social media platforms. By 2020, the size of social media analysis tools in the market is expected to exceed 5 billion dollars. Before this happens, here are five of the best tools of today that will help you manage your social media channels more effectively:
1- Keyhole
Keyhole is an all-in-one social media analytics platform that tries to spare users from the hassle of manually switching from one tool to another. It takes note of the keywords users provide across several platforms, and then follows the…
Chart of the Day: The Fashion and Sports Industries are getting the most out of the Instagram community
Instagram's popularity seems never ending, and every time a new feature is released the opportunities for brands to reach audiences keep growing. In the last year, Instagram has introduced us to Stories, Instagram Live, Stickers, Mulitple photos and video in one post and much more. While the top followed accounts are dominated by celebrity accounts with Selena Gomez leading the way (if you discount the official Instagram account) top B2C/retail brands have been able to capitalise on this too.
If you are new to Instagram or even if you're not The Rock's account is a personal favourite, it really shows how a personality has used the platform to promote himself as a brand.
In todays chart of the day, I ranked the 10 most followed brands on Instagram excluding celebrities.
At the top of the…
Chart of the day: Dark posts are mot expensive than boosted posts on Facebook, whilst boosted posts are shared more.
Research has found that dark posts have less interaction and cost more than boosted posts. Dark posts are a term for posts that only go to a certain section of a Facebook page's fans. They therefore don't appear on the page, just in certain followers newsfeeds. Who the post is shown to is determined by the page- you may seek to only target followers of only a certain demographic or those with certain interests.
The study found:
Boosted posts on average received over 70% than dark post, but receive more likes on average.
Marketers also promoted dark posts for longer, with an average of 42 days for dark posts and 27 days for boosted posts
However dark ads were less shareable and less cost-effective.
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