Chart of the Day: Using more than 10 hashtags per Instagram post could be damaging your visibility
Hashtags are one of the best ways to get your posts seen on Instagram. They can help pull your social media posts into topic-specific feeds, which can reach audiences beyond your current followers.
Many businesses will often resort to using too many hashtags on one post in the hope of it getting more visibility. A recent study suggested that it is far more effective to keep your hashtag count to less than 10 hashtags per post. If you where to use relevant hashtags and keep the count below 10, it is suggested you could reach up to 25,000 engagements per post.
Be careful if you use too many or the same hashtags in all your captions, you might be putting yourself at visibility risk or a shadow ban. This is when Instagram…
Engage the right influencers to get results from your Instagram marketing
When Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger set out to create what we now call Instagram less than a decade ago, they just wanted to make a simple photo and video-sharing app. What they never anticipated is what Instagram has evolved into—a top marketing platform that has attracted startups and top global brands alike.
The spoil is an immense consumer audience that recently hit the 700 million mark. Instagram’s response was decisive through ad campaigns in the mould of sponsored posts tailored for specific target audiences.
Quite evidently, the owners of Instagram have not been the only parties to tap into the incredible financial benefits from advertisements. The meteoric rise of Instagram as a marketing tool has overseen an equally remarkable rise of Instagram influencers who can be likened to online marketing executives. In fact, currently, up to 12% of Instagram influencers…
Chart of the Day: Facebook's revenue per user increase 10 fold in 5 years
Facebook's drive to monetize itself has seen the social media titan raise its revenue per user from $2 to $19 in just 5 years.
In this time Facebook has released many different advertising options for marketers to spend their budgets with. In the early days, we were using the advanced for the time demographic and 'likes' targeting options to serve ads via the news feed & the right-hand side area. But with the introduction more advertising features as well as adding Instagram to the mix, I can only see the gap between TV and Facebook becoming smaller and smaller.
Now there are a wide range of ad options for Facebook. Which are:
Retargeting - art of advertising to people who have visited your website before
Messages - Contacting your audience with short messages on…
Chart of the Day: 47% of the 100,000 most popular sites now contain one or more Facebook technologies, giving Facebook unprecedented access to data and web traffic.
The results of a recent study from SimilarTech shows the scale of Facebook operation beyond its own domain, with insights on the platform's reach and exposure through the use of Facebook technologies, giving Facebook its competitive edge on audience data and referral traffic to its site.
This enormous audience reach has been achieved through the widespread popularity of the company's technologies and plugins such as ‘share buttons’ or ‘comment boxes’ on 3rd party sites which deliver traffic to Facebook and strengthens the presence of the Facebook brand across the web.
The most popular technologies from Facebook being used on the top 100k sites are Facebook Connect, followed by Facebook Social Plugin and Facebook's Like Button.
You may have noticed pandas ears, butterfly crowns and nerd glasses appearing in your Instagram stories. That's because last week Instagram launched it not too dissimilar to Snapchats filters - 'Selfie filters'. The Facebook-owned app has added 8 new filters meaning you can now add cartoon-style filters before sending them to your friends.
Facebook has slowly been copying Snapchats successful features and introducing them across Instagram and facebook such as disappearing video stories and comments. It was reported that when Instagram launched Stories in August 2016 it reached 150 million daily users. That’s the same number of users that Snapchat’s whole app reportedly hit around June 2016. Snapchats users are now migrating over to Instagram as it launches new formats and features. Instagrams VP of Product, Kevin Weil, gave his perspective on coping Snapchat:
'If we're being…
Facebook helps customers shop more seamlessly
The way we shop is changing, we are driven to buy online more than ever before. For brands, this means they need to ensure they are in front of the customer when they turn to their screens. Google describe these moments as 'micro-moments' - and stress the importance of being there at the moment the consumer needs you. Google says:
'These micro-moments are critical touchpoints within today’s consumer journey, and when added together, they ultimately determine how that journey ends.'
It is crucial brands are seen at every touch point to increase the likelihood of purchase. Facebook recognised this need and offer a number of options for marketers to choose from to effectively reach their audience.
One of their more recent launches was 'Facebook Collection'. A mobile-only ad format that allows advertisers to feature videos or photos of a product in a user's news feed with the objective…
How to build your brand on Instagram
Great social media strategies need continuous follower growth, engagement, and actions, e.g. clicks. And Instagram just might be your best opportunity for achieving this quickly. SEO should always be an important part of your online marketing strategy. But let's face it, you're unlikely to beat the big brands with enormous budgets for a spot on page one of Google's search results anytime soon.
Source: ArthurStock
This is why social media can be a powerful ally to smaller brands when trying to grow your reach and presence online. You don't need a huge budget to still be effective, using, for instance, Facebook ads. But as powerful and inexpensive as these can be, the sad truth is that organic reach and engagement on Facebook has plateaued in recent years.
Where to Turn? Instagram.
Consider some statistics compiled by…
Our roundup of the key stats you need to know to be successful with Snapchat marketing in 2017
Snapchat added more users in one year than Twitter did in 4. It has grown to be larger than Twitter and Pinterest despite being far younger. It pioneered the concept of 'ephemeral messaging' which is now so popular it has been copied by a number of other social messaging apps, and its stories feature has famously been copied by Instagram, Facebook, and What's App. Its incredible growth has obviously attracted marketers, who salivate menacingly at the prospect of reaching so many impressionable young millennials.
Before you jump into using Snapchat for marketing, make sure you know the size of the opportunity and how users are interacting with the platform. We've put together a list of 18 essential snapchat marketing stats divided across the Smart Insight RACE framework to get you up to speed with all things Snapchat.
Chart of the Day: B2B buyers are 26% more likely to use Twitter
Social Media can have a strong impact on B2B Buyers, as they are influenced by information they find on your business. It is important to understand which social networks these customers are using to view your content, but how you are integrating your social media strategy into your wider marketing plans? Research by Global web index found that 26% of B2B buyers are more likely to use Twitter and 28% will follow a business on social media.
Businesses who take note of this behaviour will be able to capitalise on the influence of social media and start to see a significant impact on growth and sales.
Explore how your business can make the most of Social Media with our range of guides, and templates.
Source: Global Web Index
Sample: Global Web index…
Facebook will penalize posts linking to web pages that deliver a poor experience by not surfacing them in the newsfeed.
Facebook started rolling out an update last week designed to prevent people from seeing posts that take them to low-quality website experiences. They've announced they will be penalizing the organic rankings of these posts so they appear far less in the newsfeed, and they will be stepping up the enforcement of rules on ads that prevent people paying to advertise spammy or malicious sites.
Facebook announced they are doing this because their users are unhappy with being taken to sites which are just 'click-bait' designed to draw visitors in and then get them to click on an ad. In an official statement, Facebook reported that:
We hear from our community that they’re disappointed when they click on a link that leads to a web page containing little substantive content and that is covered in disruptive,…