Why social media is a must-use tool in conjunction with your call centre’s customer service efforts

In the past, social media was a separate customer service tool and even an entirely separate department to the call centre. They were seen as two different entities with two different goals; social media used to create brand awareness and call centres used to provide customer service. But more and more companies are becoming aware of the benefits of integrating social media into their daily customer service activities to improve business process management overall. Research shows that today, customers prefer using social media for customer service rather than picking up the traditional phone and making a phone-call. One in three social media users prefer customer service through social channels, and customers will spend between 20-40% more with companies who engage with them through social media. Combining social media and customer service clearly makes for…

Chart of the day: Benchmarks for Facebook news feed placement ads Q1 2018

Even though Facebook may have recently been on the receiving end of continuous flack and scrutiny, data shows that Facebook ads continue to do well in the world of paid media. Business are still witnessing the fruits of Facebook as a marketing and advertising channel. So, it’s only obvious that understanding how you can leverage Facebook Advertising in the right way has become vital for brands and marketers. Facebook is making it harder and harder for posts to reach audiences organically. If you want to get your posts seen on Facebook, especially at a larger scale, chances are, you’ll need to pay for the reach with Facebook Ads. Recent benchmarking report on paid search and paid social, by AdStage, provides valuable insight into paid media metrics, to enable marketers like you and…

Examples of social media workflow to review and respond to online comments about a brand

A while ago, I received this question by email, it describes a common concern of managing brand reputation given the growth in consumer comments in social media: "I would be interested in any case studies or examples of controlling social media discussions, especially in a case of negative flow". The questioner went on to explain that in her case, in the health sector, and many health and looks treatments etc. create a lot of social media input. Experiences, questions, complaints etc. Also, in some cases, competitors are creating negative posts. She explains that example is where companies have faced non-satisfied customers that are creating a lot of noise in social media. [si_guide_block id="13290" title="Download Premium Member resource – Social media marketing playbook" description="A checklist defining 20 key governance activities for strategic management of social media marketing communications."/]

Example flowcharts for managing…

Four ways to tell a story in 6 seconds

In an increasingly mobile-first environment, audiences’ attention is at a premium. Brands are constantly looking for new ways to achieve cut-through and platforms such as YouTube, Google and Twitter are designing new formats to align with consumers’ evolving viewing habits. With mobile as the dominant medium now, user expectations towards advertising have changed. Whilst it will always be important to create great content to make an impact and keep people watching, it’s nevertheless important to acknowledge that content is consumed in different places and contexts, sometimes at home in front of a television and at other times on-the-go, via a mobile device. As a result of these shifting consumption patterns, in 2016 YouTube introduced the 6-second Bumper ad format for brands looking to deliver messages quickly and efficiently to consumers who are likely to be watching one-off pieces of video content in shorter sessions,…

Chart of the day: After Snapchats controversial redesign last year, satisfaction with the app has plummeted

YouGov data suggests the app has erased two years of work in just a few months, as Snapchat's impression score and satisfaction score has dropped significantly. The survey asked users in the Unites States (US) aged 18-34, who'd then fall into the millennial category, to rate how satisfied with the SnapChat brand. YouGov do continuous tracking of brands including Snapchat, as part of their BrandIndex product. As you can see from the chart above those aged 18-34 have reported a massive drop in terms of a positive impression with Snapchat. As you can see from the chart below, there is a massive drop in satisfaction too. Those aged 18-34 have suddenly recorded a more negative impression of Snapchat and a…

Chart of the Day: Use for benchmarking your ad clickthrough rates (Ecommerce focus)

With the rapid adoption of smartphones by consumers, both Facebook and Google had to move fast to transition their desktop-based revenue model over to smartphone. This involved developing new ad placements for mobile which encouraged clickthrough to maintain their CPCs. This benchmarking report from Nanigans shows how Facebook has been successful in encouraging relatively high average clickthrough rates of > 2% in retail ecommerce which are much higher than the sub 0.2% average CTRs for banner ads. They're consistent with the > 2% average CTRs which we see from Google (if budget is sufficient to target the top positions.

Recent changes in CTRs from this report show response moving upward for ecommerce marketers even after increasing in Q4. The average Q1 2018 CTR of 2.98% in Q1 is 25% higher quarter-over-quarter and 61% higher year- over-year. This is at a similar…

How Can You Harness Facebook’s Tremendous Advertising Power?

With over two billion monthly users, Facebook can give you access to thousands or even millions of members who may be interested in your products or services. The tricky part is figuring out how to use the platform and its unique targeting features to get the best results for your budget. While some aspects of Facebook advertising are fairly straightforward, others require a bit of trial and error before you can get them just right. Fortunately, we’re going to let you in on our own insights to help you avoid some common rookie mistakes. Even if you’re a veteran Facebook advertiser, you may be guilty of making some of the errors on this list. But don’t feel bad! It can all be fixed.

Rookie Mistake #1 - You Haven’t Clearly Defined Any Goals

This may seem elementary, but many rookie Facebook advertisers jump into…

Techniques and examples of using Pinterest to build a brand and connect with the student community

It’s no surprise - Pinterest drives an impressive amount of traffic. In fact, Pinterest is now 21% more popular than Twitter for US Internet users according to this Pew compilation of online US adults. This image discovery tool lets fans and influencers find and follow their favorite brands, whether it’s through products pinned from the website, or business pages created by brands. Many brands, like Whole Foods, Etsy, and Kate Spade effectively use Pinterest to share information. The possibilities (and marketability) are truly endless. Until recently, many universities did not have, or effectively use, Pinterest pages. The University of Michigan, often a risk-taker and thought leader among the Higher Ed social media community, saw…

Facebook is about to offer brands the chance to add an additional dimension to their online campaigns

At F8 (Facebook’s annual developers conference) the social media titan announced its next iteration of Oculus Go.  It is the company’s first standalone virtual reality headset, available online and via retail partners in 23 countries. Oculus Go’s features include new social apps that let consumers experience live events from a personal perspective.  For example, enjoying the best seats in the house at a launch show…to exploring social issues. Beyond the headset, brands will be able to exploit AR through more traditional platforms including Messenger. “We’re launching the ability for brands to integrate AR camera effects into their Messenger experience,” announced David Marcus, who heads Messenger. It is one of several enhancements aimed to help businesses develop brand connections through augmented reality camera effects, within the app. “This feature, launching in closed beta, helps people…

Here are the 3 biggest takeaways from the conference, and exactly what they mean to us as marketers!

Facebook’s F8 was an intense and amazing experience. The amount of development, innovation, and progress shown in just two days is only barely digestible. To ensure myself and my team were not caught up in all the pomp and circumstance, I was determined to view this entire conference as a marketer, not a fan-boy, or Facebook junkie.

Augmented Reality

What’s happening here: From the video you can see that Facebook has the technical capabilities of augmenting any world, in whatever manner they want. Through Oculus (which is only in year two of a ten-year development plan) you can own the environment of your business. Through these headsets, people will see the reality you what them to, not the physical one to which they are currently limited. What this means for Marketers:…