What Are Match Types in Google Adwords?
Match types are method used within Google Adwords to allow you to better target your customers depending on the keywords they type into Google and the words your are targeting your advert at. This essentially means through the different types of keyword matching you need to ensure your advert only shows when you want it to.
There are 4 types of keyword matching commonly used in Google Adwords accounts, I have outlined each below. I use the same example from laser eye treatment as my last post on structuring Adwords accounts.
Broad Match
This particular match type will see you appear for a lot of terms. As one example:
If you had laser eye treatment in your add group set to the broad match type you would be eligible to appear for any keyword with, laser, or eye or treatment and any combinations of. This will obviously mean you appear for thousands…
A "back to basics" guide on targeting Pay Per Click through campaign structure setup
What do we mean by campaign structure?
Campaign structure is the way in which your keywords are grouped within your paid search advertising account like Google Adwords or Bing/Microsoft adCenter.
The example below shows how it's important to have a specific Ad Group for each model of a mobile phone and only related keywords within there.
They help define the appropriate ad creative to be displayed when these terms are searched for.
Because creative for searches and the keywords that triggers ads are set at an Ad group level it is all too easy to have adverts that are not targeted towards the keyword searched for if you put a number of unrelated or even subtly different keywords in an Ad Group.
This ultimately means relevance will be low,…
Setting Goals and questioning your Paid Search Performance
Data Analysis & Understanding - Looking Back
A key part of setting any goals for future campaigns is to look back and fully understand all the core KPIs for each digital marketing channel. Paid search is no different, in fact, there is usually so much data available for Paid Search the challenge is finding the data you really need to look at. During this blog post I'll show some of the core questions you should ask as part of this process so you can actively implement in your business.
The key is to keep it simple, use data you trust don"€™t over analyse, commit and get going.
Strategic PPC Questions
These questions are very top level, defining a basic understanding of the overall performance of Paid Search. Work with your marketing team / agency or directly with your analytics package to answer these 4 straightforward questions.
What did…
Its always a popular time of reflection at the start of a New Year & 2011 is undoubtedly no different for most of us. However, I want to look forwards & give some practical recommendations on how you can use new features within paid search to help you in 2011. While I may not be a 100% right in my predictions, a lot of the techniques I'll talk about are already available and you may be missing out - to help I'll link to sources to find out more.
Making some bold decisions for pushing your paid search strategy in 2011 maybe just the start to the year you are looking for!
5 techniques to review in how you approach paid search in 2011:
1. Mobile will alter PPC as we know it
The volume of people now using the internet on their mobile phones is continuing to grow as phones adapt & grow…
How do your PPC costs compare? Should you take a closer look at Bing
The latest Q3 2010 paid search market data from Efficient Frontier gives some interesting insights into the big 3 Search Engines. In short it shows an increase in activity on Bing (Up 90% in Q3 2010) & Google while Yahoo saw drops. Why is this interesting? Well, we know that Microsoft have been working hard on Bing to try and claw its way back into the lucrative Search market and the current data is showing positive signs that they are succeeding.
* Data from Efficient Frontier report - CPC Graph
This is an important trend to recognise as a business. Most people focus their Paid Search efforts on Google due to the volume of traffic available there. This…
A Pay Per Click Auditing process
Value: [rating=4]
Our commentary: With a lot of businesses using Google Adwords as a large part of their online marketing efforts I think its key to understand the ultimate metric (Sales!) and how to utilize tools to make this channel as affective as possible. Imran Farooq has created a guide to auditing your AdWords account to ensure you are maximising your Paid Search efforts.
Marketing implications: There cannot be a better time to audit your paid search efforts, with the summer months almost over and the next peak sales time only weeks away (dare I say the word... Christmas) it is well worth taking the time to step back from fine tuning your click-through rate and take a top level view on your account. Checkout the guide on the link before and be sure to keep any eye out for part 2, coming soon.
Recommended link:Auditing your…
Many marketers are using or have tried Google AdWords, the auction style advertising platform that allows you to advertise on Google sponsored search and content networks, commonly known as pay per click (PPC).
This guide shares my experience of actively using Adwords as a small business owner who manages their own campaigns. I'll run through the steps to review Adwords to improve traffic quantity and quality to give more conversions. In the second part I'll go into more detail on the optimisation.
I have been using AdWords for a while and overtime I have gone through many phases of continuous tweaking and re-structuring to improve conversions and I am always looking at ways to make it a cost effective marketing tool. Whether you are starting new or have been using it for a while, it is important to understand some key areas within your account to improve the…