In my Internet Marketing:Strategy, Implementation and Practice book I ask this question in the chapter on traffic building / digital communications. I hoped readers would think of the relative sizes of different types of sites and their representation through different forms of digital media channels both on the major sites and the "long tail" of smaller sites. So it was nice to see the BBC recently use a similar analogy in their blockbusting Internet documentary, Virtual Revolution. They had a great visual produced which I've grabbed from the iPlayer version of the show:

Since the programme Hitwise have published a more detailed map, which I thought would be interesting to compare - it's worth reading Robin Goad's analysis on the Hitwise site.

What are the implications for digital strategy?

The programme used…

A comparison of 36 social media monitoring software tools

There are a bewildering number of social media monitoring tools to choose from. A 2015 comparison of social media listening tools from Ideya Ltd shows that there are around 250 tools available. Of these 191 are paid, with the remainder free or using a combined model.

How to decide which tool(s) is best for you?

Knowing how to decide on the best tool is certainly challenging. This post isn't as comprehensive or up-to-date as the latest Ideya report, thanks to all the merger and acquisition activity in this area, but it compares 36 of the best known social media listening tools including free and paid. If you want to know the free tools go straight to category 4. The bulk of the work on the original post was completed by a specialist, Michael Brewer of Clerestorey who compiled this comprehensive directory of… is now the defacto standard for URL shorteners in Twitter and Tweetdeck, etc, but I find many marketers aren't aware of how it can also be used for tracking the effectiveness of their content. It's essential to check you're staying relevant and useful through this instant feedback. Before we get to the 4 steps, here is an example of a new (Nov 2009) "click summary" feature in which you access from your home page. You can see that this gives you a great overview of: Geographical location of your audience Use of (just 17%) for interacting against other applications - 20%

How to use to track PR effectiveness

The first 4 steps to get this feedback on what your followers are interested in take just 5 minutes to setup and it's automatic after that, so if you're not already, get tracking! Step 1…
Online PR should be an essential activity for any marketing campaign today. But what's involved in Online PR and what will make your campaign successful? I pose these questions to specialist Ruth Brecher of Underwired PR. In this interview I talk to Ruth Brecher, Managing Director of digital agency Underwired a full service digital agency which offers Online PR services. It's refreshing to see Ruth debunking many of the myths of SEO such as reciprocal links are 100% bad. Given my interest (and my readers') interest in SEO, in this interview we focus on best practices in Online PR for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) through generating backlinks to a site focusing on a specific theme.

Online PR campaign essentials

Q1. What would you say are the key ingredients…