An introduction to mobile marketing strategy

Mobile marketing has an exciting future shown by its rate of growth - you've almost certainly seen the statistics to support the claims for an exciting future for mobile... Did you know that there are 5.3 billion mobile users globally? That’s 77% of the world’s population! Did you know that mobile web is predicted to overtake desktop by 2013/4 as this Smart Insights compilation of mobile marketing statistics shows? Here are some other statistics you may not know, which again show the potential of mobile: The current m-commerce industry is predicted to be worth $3.3 billion this year, and due to rise to $20.5 billion by 2015. These are not numbers that a marketer can afford to ignore. It takes 26 hours for the average person to report a lost wallet. But it takes just 68 minutes for…
While we're hearing a lot about mobile apps this year, it's rare to hear about the potential of the more primitive text message, but now integrating with location and mobile apps. So, I thought I'd share this case study from the O2 UK network service More since it shows there seems to be good demand from consumers if the offer and relevance is right. I say this since O2 recently reported that it has reached 2 million subscribers of which half have been added in the last 6 months.  This is how signup is achieved: And these are the type of offers - it will look familiar if you've seen Groupon!

Mobile messaging campaign examples

O2 give these two examples which show what personalisation can deliver: StarbuckA campaign for Starbucks, using a mixture…