Our review showing examples of the latest innovations in digital media, technology, and data to support digital transformation

We love reviewing innovation in marketing. It’s interesting to see ‘what’s hot’ and ‘what’s cool’, but to keep it practical and actionable as we like, we’re equally interested in which communications and transformation techniques will make the biggest commercial improvement for businesses. A good example of the commercial impact digital technology and media can have is Dominos. I recently heard about the impact of digitization of Dominos from Dave Wild, their UK CEO at Technology for Marketing / E-commerce Expo. Dominos UK only took its first mobile phone order in 2010 when online sales accounted for less than 30% of revenue. Eight years on, Dominos have a market share of more than 50% with digital transactions accounts for more than 80% of sales and the UK smartphone app accounting for more than two-thirds of those…

Blockchain technology is gaining momentum in the market and hugely impacting on the manufacturing industry

Currently, the world is highly fascinated with terms such as cryptocurrency, bitcoin and blockchain technology. The reason for this is simple - people are getting are really benefitting from them, especially blockchain. When it comes to blockchain, the technology has largely evolved, bringing with it even more benefits. In this blog, we will cover the initial phase of blockchain technology, its evolution and how it can benefit the manufacturing industry. [si_guide_block id="87688" title="Download our Premium Resource – Marketing technology selection guide" description="Where do you start when deciding on the best types of services to use? There’s a challenge with the sheer number of tools which vary enormously in cost and quality and new challenger tools can sometimes do a better job than the established tools.This guide will help you harness the power of the available digital tools."/] Let us…

Startup company growth needs effective and easily accessible digital tools and resources

Over the past few years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of startups that can be seen as a fresh alternative to working in corporations. This is due to their creators’ desire to be independent and run their own company, but also due to changes taking place in the business culture, rapid technological development and most of all, easy access to tools that help grow and manage firms effectively. As a matter of fact, every startup company supporting relevant software and digital sources can build a strong marketing campaign and grow business all by itself. Looking for tools to conduct startup business, entrepreneurs are drawing attention to some of their common features: • Easy availability • Low-cost or free • Accelerating work • Integrated with other tools SaaS…

Make a living doing what you love, or at least get paid to do what you would be doing anyway

Far too many people have resigned themselves to the fact that their jobs aren’t enjoyable. For these people, their jobs are an unfulfilling but necessary evil in their lives. Of course, we have all had jobs like these in the past. Very few people are fortunate enough to leave education and enter straight into their ideal role. However, things don’t have to be this way. There is no reason that earning an income cannot be an enjoyable and worthwhile pursuit.It is simply a case of identifying what it is that you have to offer the world, and how you can render your skills and talents for money in a way that makes you happy as a person. We all, hopefully, have hobbies and interests. These are the recreational activities that we use to…

An opted-in, highly engaged audience that enjoys real-time service from preferred brands will set the foundation for the ROI that businesses need to see

There’s no denying that chatbots drew in a lot of attention last year. The tremendous hype around their capabilities fueled intrigue about how they were going to change consumer behavior and produce impressive results. However, creating any chatbot experience - let alone a great one - is a much harder task than expected. When Facebook Messenger launched services for businesses in 2015, online retailer Everlane was quick to form a partnership. In spite of the company’s first-mover advantage, the chatbot struggled to produce real business value. Everlane used its Messenger chatbot as an email alternative, sending messages such as order confirmations and shipping information. It fell victim to a rushed creation process and never had the time needed to generate real ROI because the holistic customer experience was…

Present with confidence and clarity, no matter your audience

Our role as marketers working across disciplines, departments and media means that we’re often required to present our plans to a range of different stakeholders. On most occasions, these may be simple status updates and email correspondence with direct colleagues or line managers. However, there are also times when we may need to present to senior managers and leaders in order to obtain buy-in or support for a concept or big idea. [si_guide_block id="123671" title="Download our Premium Resource – Template white labelling briefing for agencies and consultants" description="A guide recommending templates to amend when delivering marketing services."/] Whilst it’s important to acknowledge that every senior stakeholder is different, there are some common characteristics to bear in mind: Highly-focused – their attention will be concentrated on a specific number of objectives and projects. Action-orientated – they’ll often have a clear ‘bias for action’, prioritizing the tasks…

To prevent further revenue drop, linear television will have to change advertising practices completely

For many years, advertising budgets were gravitating towards the Internet because only this medium could offer media buyers precise targeting and efficiency metrics for campaign analysis. The experts predict that by the end of 2018, the Internet advertising budgets will outweigh linear TV by a whopping $40 billion. A couple of years ago, the ad market was close to the point of no return and the industry players predicted nothing but a slow demise of TV advertising. In order to prevent further revenue drop, linear television will have to change advertising practices completely. Let’s find out how the market adapts to the new programmatic-driven addressable TV reality.

What is addressable TV and how it’s different?

Technically, all…

Where is the digital advertising industry today?

When the digital advertising industry broke out, many digital marketers used to rave about the fact that it’s much more transparent and traceable than traditional forms of advertising, such as radio and TV. Today, the digital advertising world makes up almost half of the advertising industry and is faced with some challenges, of which, transparency and traceability seem, ironically, to be holes in the system manifesting in issues like ‘ad fraud’ for instance. The estimated cost of fraud in digital advertising in 2018 is around $19 billion and that figure is expected to grow by over 230% by 2022 to hit $44 billion (statista), according to the current variables. Much of the losses come from ‘non-human traffic’ or what’s known as ‘bot traffic’ but there are also other types of waste like ad-blocking software. Fraud losses will amount to 22% of video spending, according to…

Pointers for the perfect marketing résumé in 2019

As a marketing expert, your job description includes selling products and services. Then writing a marketing résumé should be easy for you! You just have to sell yourself, right? It’s ironic, but many job applicants in this industry struggle with the completion of the perfect marketing résumé. Some of them even neglect its importance; they just follow a random format and replace the crucial information with their own details.

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It’s time for us to understand how crucial the résumé is during the application process. Yes; the employer will mostly care about your experience, and they will evaluate your skills through the portfolio. The resume, however, is…

Following our Digital Transformation webinar, we look back at some of the questions asked by the audience

It was great to see the interest in our recent digital transformation webinar: Benchmarking your Digital Future (now available on demand).There were so many questions, from strategic to practical, that we couldn’t get to them all on the call, so we promised to share them via our blog. Before we get into your questions, I want to share a questions I asked attendees, What are your plans for digital transformation? which is a similar to this question in our previous ‘Managing digital marketing research report’. Popularity of Digital Transformation projects This is very similar to what we found on the poll in the webinar where around a third of the attendees have plans to start a project within 12 months and a third of attendees have recently…