Eight classic quotes showing how tough it is to trendspot

I've just been scanning a useful thread started by Adam Cranfield on the excellent Linked In Web Managers group about the challenges web managers need to deal with today and I was struck by the relentless page of change and the need to test and innovate. One contributor, Karen, pointed out that this is why we love what we do (mostly, the relentless Google updates can get to you sometimes). One contributor used a brilliant quote to illustrate this from the future Alvin Toffler, who said that: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." Leonel, who posted this said: "I try to unlearn as much as possible and now I'm relearning a lot of things that supposedly knew in depth, stripped of preconceptions trying to take each issue as…
We"€™ve seen a lot of changes on the internet landscape and how people interact with content within it, mobile and tablet PC's being obvious examples. On top of that there's changing web standards, influenced by that changing technology. Things like HTML5 and CSS3 - as Mashable note, "more and more users are now able to take advantage of the latest and greatest features on the web". It"€™s tougher for SME's to stay on top or ahead of the game, but not impossible. It's also important than businesses do in order to remain competitive. Here's Mashable's 2010/2011 for design trends for SME's - summarised below: Drop the Flash - More and more sites and web developers are moving away from Flash-only solutions in lieu of video, animation and navigation.What does your audience need and value? Flash is not even accessible on most mobile devices, though great for rich applications,…