Review your use of search retargeting with this new benchmark

Only a few years ago, 'retargeting' was the hot new practice in online advertising. Today, as Chango’s new Retargeting Barometer report makes clear, retargeting has entered the mainstream. Let’s take a quick look at this survey of marketers and agencies to see exactly what it revealed and why it should be of special interest to search marketers. Who responded? The Retargeting Barometer consists of responses from 51 U.S. and Canadian marketers working for brands and agencies in a diverse group of industries, including retail, financial services, travel, auto, CPG and B2B. One of the biggest takeaways was straightforward enough: retargeting has arrived, and it’s here to stay. Only a year ago, almost half of survey respondents had to form a new budget for retargeting. This year, budgeting was no longer an obstacle. Only 17% percent of respondents had…

New Nielsen research reviews investment and ROI from social media

Nielsen have shared some recent interesting findings from their research on Paid Social Media Advertising 2013.  500 Digital Marketing and Media Professionals were contacted by phone and email, and asked for their views and practices on social media advertising. The report concludes:

'Marketers are increasingly viewing and using paid social media advertising as an integrated tool. Social media is no longer being viewed as its own discrete medium but instead used alongside other tactics to achieve an overall, usually branding related, objective.......,

but there is a gap between how marketers would like to use the medium and the current reality. This gap is the most pronounced when it comes to measuring ROI...'

Key insights I think are worth highlighting include:

3/4 of respondents use Paid Advertising and 64% were seeking to increase spend this year.Budget spend is shifting from off-line to on-line.ROI is…

Clickthroughs vs View-throughs - when do consumers interact and purchase?

Steelhouse carried out a research study, looking at various sources, to address the myth on ' view-through attribution'. Asked yourself the questions about the attribution of your digital marketing campaigns and which advertising resulted in the sale:  How many users who clicked on the ad actually made a purchase? Did our advertising impact the on-site purchase later via my website?  Through their research, they have shown the importance of reviewing attribution and how you measure the impact of display ads beyond direct clickthroughs. …

Global Advertising Trends by sector

Value/Importance: [rating=3] Recommended link: Nielsen Adspend by Sector Quarterly survey Nielsen have published their quarterly survey results this month, to share their global findings on 'ad spend' by sector. You can download the full report at their site. We thought we'd alert you to these, since they help show the significant changes in media spend by sector. Naturally regional changes in ad spend occur based on the economic prosperity of different regions. There was a 14% increase in Middle East and Africa. yet it's decreased in Europe as we would expect. This chart showing change in media spend by region with year on year trends, is just one of their findings.

Paid Social Media Advertising Research to double in the next 4 years

SalesForce have released an Infographic on 'Social Ad' spending, collating resources from trusted sources including Nielsen and Twitter, to name a few. It promotes their Social Ad management platform. Social media advertising spend is expected to almost double by 2017, so companies must be realising ROI as they can become more targeted with lead generation campaigns and profiling against those customers likely to buy. 'Social Media Ads reach the audience .. you can see which audiences you are engaging with the most and ensure your ads are being bought correctly', Peter Goodman VP of SalesForce. Their evaluation of trends includes the impact of mobile ads on consumers on platforms including Twitter and Facebook and the top 10 countries being targeted (UK is 2nd!).

Find out more about the future of online display ads and tips on how to be successful with your advertising

Following on from our post on conversion rates for Google Adwords ads, including rates for the Google Display Network, this new infographic from Prestige Marketing reminds us about the role that display (banner) ads can play in your marketing. It gives a quick summary of how display can be used to generate reach and awareness on different online platforms and outlines future growth rates.    …

A more effective way to utilise online paid media spend?

Since we're still firmly in the midst of a recession, it is still the challenge for businesses to grow and invest wisely. Hopefully this doesn't mean you have stopped testing new ideas / channels. While this post isn't covering anything amazingly new, I hope it will inspire you to consider a different way of utilising your online paid media budget. Think differently! Compared to traditional PPC and Display advertising, the targeting and ideas below can potentially generate you a better ROI.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a term now associated with online display advertising since Google adopted this name when it started offering AdWords remarketing in 2011. It refers to where adverts are specifically targeted at people who have visited your website before and are tracked by an adserving service like AdWords. As a concept, remarketing can cover both prospects and customers alike, the…

RTB and DSP make real-time mobile ads more targeted and trackable

[caption id="attachment_13822" align="alignright" width="333" caption="Source: Mobile Squared (Click image for Slideshare)"][/caption] Real-time mobile display ad buying is a technology with the potential to transform mobile communications. RTB can improve targeting, tracking and campaign management to create an easily accessible real-time marketing medium capable of generating impressive ROI. RTB is rapidly evolving from a technology option to create a new strategic foundation for mobile advertising - particularly when used in conjunction with time saving demand-side platforms.

Fragmented, complex mobile ads campaigns could become a thing of the past

Mobile advertising revenue growth figures have proved rather disappointing compared to early analyst forecasts.  The 'less than thrilling' results are largely attributable to the complexity and fragmentation that must be overcome in order to deliver effective multi-device, multi-network, multi-operating system mobile campaigns. The undesirable mobile campaign characteristics that…

Interesting online media trends for 2011 & 2012

Value/Importance: [rating=4] Recommended link: eFrontier

Our commentary

A fantastic report from eFrontier, looking back over 2011 and with an interesting outlook on 2012. The report covers, in great detail, the spending patterns globally and across multiple platforms (Google vs Facebook for example) for their client base. It certainly sounds like Q4 2011 was the big spending month with regards to YoY growth, with US retail spend up 18% YoY. The key trends for you to consider from the report are: Mobile spend (specifically tablets) is becoming increasingly important, likely to make up 16-22% of all paid clicks by the end of 2012 Facebook advertising spend will reach 5% of all spend by end 2012 Overall media spend will grow 15% by the end of 2012 You can view the full report here, or checkout the top level…

Leaked Email from Twitter reveal costs per follower

Value/Importance: [rating=3] Recommended link: Original post on the Drum

Our commentary on the costs of Twitter advertising

These are the costs revealed in the leaked email from Twitter’s ad sales department: Cost of $2.50 and $4 per follower $0.75 to $2.50 for each click, favourite, retweet or reply. Commitment to a minimum campaign spend of 3 months and $15,000 Since Twitter introduced it’s advertising through it’s Promoted Tweets we’ve had questions from marketers about costs and whether the service would become available to advertisers with smaller budgets as is possible through Adwords, Facebook and LinkedIn.

This leak gives an idea of the costs and suggests the programme isn’t likely to become available to small and medium businesses any time soon.

Marketing implications of the Twitter fees

While most marketers will continue to use Twitter as a…