3 techniques to make Native Advertising more effective

Following the move made by many other online publishers in recent years, the picture-hosting site Imgur recently announced its plan to roll out native ads. The site bootstrapped for most of the past six years and built a loyal community, but — like most publishers — it has the need for a consistent revenue stream. More publishers are riding the native advertising (definition and example) tide to monetize their platforms. For advertisers, native ads are a natural and effective way to boost engagement. In fact, Yahoo reported that, on average, users give native ads three times more attention than display ads. But like all innovation, native advertising (definition and example) also follows an S-curve cycle of adoption and maturation. From display to search to video ads, each cycle inevitably brings a unique set of challenges and risks. And as native advertising matures, the issues advertisers and…

Audience segmentation goes beyond social media with 'Addressable TV'

Digital channels have perfected the art of user-specific advertising. Facebook shows you ads that are relevant to your interests, and you’ll often visit a website and see an ad for an item you recently researched but didn’t purchase. Display ad marketers use 'retargeting' to recapture lost potential sales and drive conversions. Now, this same digital concept can be applied to television which enjoys the largest audience reach of any media today at 96%. Addressable television allows marketers to show specific commercials to certain viewers after segmenting them based on data-driven household profiles; the technology to enable addressable television only requires the IP addresses from set top boxes, which allows a TV’s Nielsen data to be integrated with the data from other devices and databases.

Addressable TV campaign with Chevy and DirectTV &DISH

To get a closer look at how addressable television works, we…

Are you making the most of mobile advertising opportunities?

Given the growing use of smartphones it's probably no surprise that marketers expenditure on mobile marketing spend will continue to rise over the next 4 years. So many businesses are clearly embracing these advertising opportunities to connect with new and existing customers in this way. New research from EMarketer shows the recent growth and forward to 2019.

Mobile ad spend is due to increase by 60% this year and will reach a 'tipping point' in 2016 when mobile ad spend exceeds spend on desktop ad formats begging the question 'How much of our investment in communications is aimed at reaching consumers on mobile devices?

It's expected that the US and China will show immediate short-term growth as Germany, UK and Japan's mobile spending will increase…

Emotional Association - Psychology For Profitable Sponsorship

Sponsorship has always proved to a lucrative and viable form of advertising. The belief that brands place in this type of advertising is huge. Research points to the global spend on sponsorship soaring to $57.5 billion this coming year[1]. So how can brand managers ensure they deliver effective sponsorship for their brands? The answer in part and the focus of this article is known as emotional association, something which for the main part hasn’t been part of the discourse around sponsorship effectiveness until recently. As you are reading this article, there is no doubt that thousands of brand managers across the world are assessing the usefulness of planned sponsorship deals within their companies. One of the key questions that any brand manager will ask will be around the business impact and effectiveness generated from any given sponsorship. Something that…

How shoppers can be encouraged to purchase using retargeting

American shoppers are spending more online, with revenue is expected to reach $307 billion by 2017. VWO 's eCommerce survey highlights some interesting findings to optimise your communication strategy as it explores how to capture the attention of online shoppers and understand what influences their buying decision.

One of the challengers is to encourage shoppers to return to their shopping carts, once abandoned. So how do you encourage them to return?

The survey highlights the power of 'Retargeting': '54% of buyers will buy retargeted products, if a discount is offered' The graph shows there are tactics available to convert shoppers with retargeting and the most receptive are 18-34 year olds. You can read the full report for more ecommerce conversion tactics.…

How European marketers are using retargeting

Adroll Targeting data has been analysed from 4,000 European Advertisers to find out how retargeting campaigns are working and what the future holds. The report shares key findings including: 1. 88% feel it's equal or better than search. 2. 64% plan to increase their spend this year. 3. The top 3 goals are 1. Brand awareness 2. To increase sales and 3. Retention.

So what's the hottest topic for retargeting?

According to the report on the 'State of the Industry - Europe' from adroll.com, Facebook improves engagement when it's included - increasing impressions by 1.77% and 2x more clicks. [si_guide_block id="43325" title="Download resources – Ad Retargeting Guide" description="Gain practical advice on retargeting, planning segmentation, creative, retargeting methods, partner selection, tracking and evaluation."/]  …

Did you know that over half of display ads aren't viewable

The lesson is to choose the right media companies with better viewability, particularly when paying on a cost per thousand basis. Apparently it's nothing new that 56% of display ad impressions across Google's platforms aren't viewable and has been brought to the forefront, by the recent research from Google, Google's Infographic provides insight into 5 key factors to help you maximise your ad visibility; covering the importance of ad sizes and page position.

So what does this mean for Advertisers?

There are going to be more stringent guidelines and some may be struck off if they don't provide above 50% viewability. If you are advertising, it's recommended to plan and research, looking at your viewability inventory, which you can measure with Google's measurement tool, Active View…

6 issues to consider when reviewing your investment in online display advertising

Online media measurement company comScore and WARC have summarised the state of Display advertising in an interesting deck giving 6 key lessons to help maximise the impact of your display advertising, from planning, to managing and evaluating your campaigns to improve your brand loyalty and engagement. Their whitepaper provides good examples from leading brands such as Kelloggs and opportunities for brands to leverage, so we thought it was worth sharing and summarising.

6 Lessons to improve your Display Advertising

Lesson 1: Don't rely on CTR as the key measurement

Ad Clickthrough rates (CTRs) have always been relatively low compared to Google AdWords, but  it's not a complete metric, since people may view your brand or offer on a ad and it will resonate with consumers who later search on the brand or go direct to the site. This research shows Advertisers experiencing low CTRs did see an increase in sales,…

New research shows a significant multiplier effect from combining search and social media advertising

This research summarises how some advertisers are making their online media buys more effective by integrating social and search campaigns together. Marin Software surveyed over 200 Advertisers, managing Google, Facebook and Bing campaigns and their report reveals tactics and strategies that have worked for leading brands. As we would expect from the theory of the 4Cs of integrated communications, the findings showed that 'marketers who integrate their search and social advertising programs find significantly more consumers who are not only more likely to convert, but who are also likely to spend more'. This multichannel research showed that advertisers achieve a 68% higher conversion rate when their search campaigns are integrated with social advertising. Download their full research on integrating search and social media advertising (registration is required) to find…

New research shows the increase in social media stacking

It hit us all years ago, but when did we realise? In our busy lives, we 'multi-task' at work, or in our personal lives, and some are now calling this 'social media stacking'. The Millward Brown's Ad Reaction report refers to it as 'putting the kettle on', as it's embedded in most of our daily lives. I am guilty of this behaviour - while watching the TV, I check my emails on my iPhone, answer a Tweet and time permitting will find a good recipe on Pinterest for the evening meal-- an ideal target for advertisers and publishers to connect with me beyond 'passive viewing'. For brands, there are now multiple opportunities to connect, as Millward Brown global multiscreening report shows in their findings. The implication is that brands need to leverage this by evaluating reach…