How does personalisation increase conversion rates?

In our experience, effective content personalization increases conversion rates, boosts lead generation and cuts cost per lead. It might be intuitive to believe a personalized message is more effective than a one-size-fits-all message, but intuition isn’t the driving force here – what does the data show? We have now served millions of personal content recommendations, and the evidence now shows an increase of 20%-30% in conversion rates, across all on existing traffic and content. Behind these numbers, there are several cool scientific reasons why this works so effectively.     [si_guide_block id="57383" title="Access resource – Web Personalisation guide" description="Our E-learning topic will show you the options for delivering more persuasive, relevant dynamic web content at relevant points in the onsite customer journey for B2B and B2C sites. As well as the techniques and tools available for personalisation based on audience characteristics and…

Avoid these 7 mistakes at all costs when building and managing your sales funnel

Your sales funnel is the core of your marketing plan. It's the map of a customer's journey, right from the first interaction with your brand all the way to the final sale. Every piece of content you create and every marketing strategy you implement is built around your sales funnel. In short, your funnel is a critical component that decides your online success. And unfortunately, you could be screwing it up. In this post, we'll explore 7 of the most common mistakes that plague sales funnels, plus strategies you can apply to overcome each error.

1. You're not tracking enough data

A lot of marketers focus only on the big-picture metrics like page views, visitor-to-customer conversion rate, and bounce rate. Whereas, metrics with smaller scopes—like return visitors, exit pages, and scroll patterns—remain totally ignored. This is a fatal mistake. Even though big-picture…

5 areas you need to look at to improve your ecommerce

As digital marketers, we spend a lot of our time perfecting landing pages and ad copies. We also hire the best writers for our content. I am not here to say that those dollars are spent in vain. But when everything’s said and done, these efforts and dollars are all spent to produce a conversion. When it comes to eCommerce, this sale/conversion has to happen via the shopping cart that leads to the checkout page. I am afraid that the shopping cart is where most marketers fall short and thus lose what they have gained with great pains. In this post, I am going to list exactly what you should do to get all those sales and optimize your shopping cart to perfection, in order to boost conversions.

1.    Best Shopping Cart Design

The shopping cart is an integral part of the shopping experience.…

Customer reviews and social content are powerful decision-making tools so why make consumers search for them elsewhere?

The rise in holiday and hotel research conducted online, and the popularity of social media, presents an opportunity for the hotel industry. Word-of-mouth communication has a positive influence on brand awareness, brand attitude change, purchase intentions, product evaluations and consumer expectations. TripAdvisor’s 2015 TripBarometer report found that 90% of consumers rely on ratings of accommodation on a review site. This was the second most important factor impacting booking decisions behind price. Also 85% of consumers also rely on photos and videos online. To take advantage of this trend, hotels should use electronic word-of-mouth and user-generated content to supplement their primary marketing communication messages. Many of the large travel and tourism brands have adopted user generated content. Taking a quick look at the big three UK online travel agents,, Expedia and, all of them…

The key trends and channels for travel marketing in 2015

This seasonal infographic created by our partners JBH Marketing gives an interesting overview of travel marketing. Of course, digital marketing is now an important channel for marketing different types of destinations and packages. Holidaymakers are increasingly turning to digital to book their holidays rather than using high-street travel agents. This infographic looks at consumer behaviour in selecting holidays and the channels that are important. …

Five examples of how retailers and brands are using iBeacons for marketing campaigns

Apple iBeacon gives great opportunities to develop innovative marketing campaigns, particularly for retailers. Beacons are small wireless sensors to connect the online with offline worlds. Their main purpose for a retailer is to enhance the customer experience by offering a new form of proximity marketing which can link to boosting product sales. Apple explains the the approach this way: "Your iOS device can alert mobile apps when you approach or leave a location with an iBeacon.iBeacon uses a Bluetooth low energy signal, which iOS devices detect. In addition to monitoring location, an app can estimate your proximity to an iBeacon (for example, a display or checkout counter in a retail store)". Let's now look at five interesting examples of how brands are using Apple iBeacons to create an advantage and added value for their customers.

1. Famous Antwerp Museum uses beacons as…

Wearable technology trends and the future of digital selling

Until what seems like very recently, wearable technology has remained on the fringes of consumer consciousness, with most people unsure what to make of it. 'What’s the point in moving the user interface two inches from my pocket to my wrist?' people rightly ask. 'But I’m terrible at multitasking, those glasses will just be another distraction…' Although wearables still have yet to gain widespread popularity, interest is stirring and 2015 may just be the year it turns a corner. According to a recent report from Juniper Research, wearable advertising spend is estimated to reach just $1.5 million this year, but by 2019 is expected to hit a slightly more impressive $68.7 million. That’s a huge new market, and one that online marketers would do well to embrace.

Source: …

Consumer online shopping behaviours: How do Consumers select a supplier?

Following on from our first post summarising the 'UK Consumer Empower Survey Report' from the BIS, we are extending its findings in this second post to share how the UK population choose a supplier when purchasing an item over £100 and how they search for information. We're highlighting this research since it's a high quality piece of research commissioned by the UK government and surveyed by GfK NOP based on a quantitative survey amongst a representative sample of the UK population (6,024 interviews were conducted with adults aged 16+). It covers a range of sectors relevant to Smart Insights members including: purchases (Furniture, home furnishings or building materials, Computers, Home electronics, Car, van, motorbike) and services (Electricity, Internet, Mobile phone network, Car insurance and Bank accounts.  The research reviews decision making for purchase amongst 5 consumer segments introduced in our previous post.…

The challenges and changes shaping the etailing environment

E-commerce sales growth continues to soar with forecasts projecting even bigger numbers for the future. All seems rosy in the world of online commerce. So why are analysts concluding that 'retailers have their work cut out for them' in the coming years? According to eMarketer's latest forecasts, worldwide business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce sales will increase by 20.1% this year to reach a whopping $1.5 trillion. Forrester estimates that US online retail sales alone will total $294 billion by the end of the year, and will grow to $414 billion by 2018. These are some mind-boggling numbers, but then there are powerful forces driving them, and these forces will define the future of retailing . For instance, rapidly expanding online and mobile user bases in emerging markets are super-charging sales. This year, for the first time, consumers in Asia-Pacific will spend more on e-commerce purchases than those in…

A CapGemini survey of 18,000 consumers shows their preferences for apps, social media and other channels

Identifying how consumers interact with both physical and online retailers, their expectations and motivations to buy is important to any business. CapGemini's survey delves into this and explains how 'relevance' is crucial to meeting shoppers' needs and being aware that 'digital shoppers' (who use more than one digital channel along the purchasing funnel) have different needs and shopping behaviours. CapGemini categorises shoppers into 6 groups; for instance the Social Digital Shoppers are confident in sharing their experiences and feel safe buying on their mobile devices. While shopping online, these consumers expect retailers to 'remember their details'.  Value Seekers, as it says on the tin, are influenced by price and obsessed with offers. You can read more about these types of shoppers in their report and Infographic below: You can…