When it comes to selling online, a good marketer is doing their best to optimize the marketing funnel. But most often they do the online part of the job - supporting the customer on their way to the shopping cart

It is not new that we make our decisions emotionally, so often ignoring the rational part of the purchase while analyzing the product. When surfing online for a new pair of pants, we will buy only them, most likely. But what if we come to the store and try a new pair of pants on? What if walking between the aisles we will stumble upon an amazing blazer and a cool shirt? Well, we will try them on also, since we are already heading to the dressing rooms. More experimentation, assisted purchasing, great atmosphere, people around... The growth…

The most important trends and innovations across the customer lifecycle to inform your 2018 ecommerce strategy using the RACE planning framework

Knowing the key techniques to improve your conversion rates is vital to any ecommerce marketing strategy. We will be taking a look at the biggest trends in ecommerce marketing you should seriously think about adopting in 2018 to get ahead of your competition. We have created a series posts on digital marketing trends 2018 across marketing channels including, email, social, search engine marketing, and an overall 100+ must-see marketing research 2017 statistics. Now, we will evaluate the biggest innovations and strategies that should be adopted in the ecommerce sector. Smart Insights customer lifecycle model for retail and ecommerce, details the different customer touchpoints across the RACE framework for different 'type of customers: window shoppers, 1st purchase, repeat customers, and loyal…

Ecommerce personalization will once again redefine how websites need to be designed in order to turn visitors into customers

Ecommerce personalization has been the hottest trend in customer engagement for a while now. Many consumers can hardly remember what it was like to visit a website that didn’t use at least some degree of this method to better engage with them. But we’ve barely even scratched the surface of what ecommerce personalization can do. In fact, you will soon see four ways it’s going to redefine websites – once again – in the very near future.

5 Websites That Have Proven the Benefits of Ecommerce Personalization

Before we bring up the ecommerce personalization trends that will redefine how successful websites are designed, let’s look at five examples of sites that became household names largely because of this powerful tactic.

1. Netflix

Netflix is responsible for …

Chart of the Day: The top reasons which stop consumers converting on smartphone

The m-commerce gap is a well-known and growing challenge for retailers. We all know the tremendous growth in the use of smartphones shown by the rise in % of mobile share of digital minutes which, as our mobile-smartphone stats summary shows stands at 71% in the US, 62% in Canada, 61% in the UK and higher in Latin (Mexico, 75%) and South America (Brazil, 72%) and higher still in Asia (China, 71% and Indonesia 91%). The problem for retailers is that ecommerce conversion rates on smartphones are significantly lower than desktop. Smartphone conversion rates are at about half of conversion rates on desktop, as a rule of thumb. This is partly inevitable since some smartphone users will prefer to make the purchase on desktop for convenience when they may prefer to browse on smartphone. Yet, many retailers will still…

Personalization technology is accessible, affordable, and easy to implement. It should be considered a “must have” - not a “would like to have”- in 2018

Amazon has always been the brand that ecommerce marketers look up to. It offers consumers a shopping experience that many brands feel is beyond their reach. But is it? In this blog post, we’re on a mission to bust the myth that personalized customer experiences can only be achieved by Amazon, Booking.com, and other ecommerce giants.

Personalization is accessible

Many assume that Amazon is built on proprietary technology that others brands can’t get access to. We’re here to tell you this isn’t the case. Technology that uses behavioural targeting and personalization to build better customer experiences is actually very accessible: First of all, it isn’t as expensive as you might assume. Depending on which provider you go with, investing…

A visual checklist to the essential features of an ecommerce site to ensure success

Your site needs to have quality products that attract customers and a user-friendly design to convert users into loyal and recurring customers. There is already a well-established set of standards regarding the features of an ecommerce site. But a beautiful site with great products won’t ensure the success of your online store. You need to know which features are really important to convert your customers. [si_guide_block id="79186" title="Download FREE Resource – 10 ecommerce mistakes" description="Explore the top 10 ecommerce mistakes and how to avoid them. Ecommerce is a fast-moving environment and we actively keep our mistakes up to date so you’re always making the most of your marketing"/] Typically about 60 - 80% of customers leave ecommerce sites without making a purchase. And only 22% businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. But by introducing the proper design elements…

How you can use push notifications to increase your online conversions

You already know about email, social media, affiliate marketing, SMS, ads (Google Adwords, Facebook, Bing). All these channels have their own piece of the marketing promotion pie, where you can deploy different kind of campaigns to reach and engage users. Online businesses use all or a part of these channels to attract visitors to their website, as well as engage with the ones who have already visited it. But there’s a new one that looks very promising for both businesses and users: push notifications. Push notifications have a short history in the world, coming from mobile apps, where IOS and Android used them as the default way by which mobile apps communicate with their users. The advantage of delivering the message in real…

Chart of the Day: Understanding word of mouth in the digital age

Word of mouth has always been a powerful method of marketing. Yet, marketers often struggle to make the most of this avenue. As with other areas of marketing, word of mouth, too, is becoming increasingly digital. According to AdWeek, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from other consumers, through reviews, influencers etc., over ads or content coming directly from the brand. Modern-day consumers, especially millennials, make choices based on what their friends or role models endorse. As ad-blocking becomes more and more frequent, brands that spend big budgets on advertising, are finding it hard to reach out to their audiences. BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey (2017) reaffirms the importance of digital word of mouth through its findings. More people are looking for reviews online and use them to decide if a local business is good or not. 93% of consumers read reviews to…

Chart of the Day: Ecommerce businesses share their ROI from personalization for the Retail, Travel and Financial services sectors

There are now many options for website personalization tools, but we know from our member research that many businesses have yet to implementation personalization for different reasons. I'm sharing these figures from a new research report since it may help as part of putting together a business case for investment in a tool. In the report, Personalization is defined as: "the ability to interact with each individual, at any moment, across touch points based on everything known about them, and includes testing, segmentation, and individualization approaches".  The first chart shows that across all three sectors reported, the vast majority - between 70 and 70% - do report a positive ROI. I was surprised that the proportion of businesses who don't or can't wasn't higher since many smaller businesses haven't fully implemented personalization. This perhaps reflects the larger businesses…

5 steps to using a personalization program to increase online sales

Using the right process and the right tools for personalization is essential in making sure you achieve your conversion rate goals. Our team at Smart Insights has collaborated with the team at Monetate, creators of the Monetate Intelligent Personalization Engine, to create this practical infographic, detailing the key areas of focus for a fully optimized personalization programme.

The 5 personalization techniques

Using a strategic approach to personalization structure is imperative. The infographic recommends 5 personalization steps and a process to follow, for a successful personalization programme that increases online sales: Selecting goals most appropriate to your funnel stage - Selecting the right measure(s) is vital when looking at what part of the conversion funnel you are wanting to optimize. Apply testing optimization Segment for greater lift Apply 1:1 Machine Learning for individualized experiences Incorporate optimization, segmentation and 1:1 to achieve your goals …