Examples of how to communicate your offer effectively
Simply put, value propositions are the reasons retailers use to persuade us to buy products or services from them rather than competitors. From a retailer's perspective we also consider them sales tools. This includes benefits provided by products/services or even the website, functionality, customer service, loyalty schemes etc.
This tends to be done really well by retailers offline, but for some reason online value proposition (OVPs) becomes a watery-at-best version – and this is something that is quite possibly MORE important online than offline.
One common theme that I’m sure many can resonate with is that website owners will often say ‘I thought the designers would do that’. But here’s the thing: most designers have studied design, not marketing. Typically, when you ask for them to design an ad, you usually provide…
An introduction to segmenting Ecommerce site visitors to increase conversion rates
We humans tend to stick with what we know. That can lead to great things as we specialize (the invention of the light bulb and the telephone for instance). But it can also lead to diminishing returns, especially when our business requires us to deliver results across a variety of disciplines.
For online merchants, familiarity with the methods for driving website traffic often creates a tendency to get caught up in driving more and more traffic. As an industry, we’re starting to see increased focus on optimizing conversion rates as an alternative to chasing increasingly expensive sources of traffic coming from SEO, PPC, email, and social campaigns.
But as with most relatively new fields, venturing into conversion optimization can be daunting, and it can be hard to figure out where to start. A good place to start is by figuring out where…
A scannable summary of developments marketers using digital marketing need to know
New digital technology
Autographer - a new category of wearable device announced - while Autographer isn’t a platform for marketing, it does highlight a trend towards wearable mobile devices which are increasingly used as part of “life-streaming”. There are possibilities for integrating this into campaigns as map-based mashups have been.
Autographer is different from other wearable devices in that it can automatically capture and store thousands of high resolution photos based on motion-sensing intelligence. It has five sensors and GPS capability which show when to take a photo based on subtle changes in light, colour, motion, direction and temperature. All of these parameters are recorded too.
Disclosure: I’m mentioning this launch since I’ve been involved in advising on the marketing of the product, but also because it’s a real innovation and…
5 reasons why content is core to B2B digital strategy
The importance today of using digital marketing in organisational or business-to-business (B2B) marketing is highlighted by the latest Buyersphere report from Base One. Supplier websites, web searches and in most countries emails are now primary information sources for business buyers.
Online events and social media are also significant, more so if you drill down and look at their overall influence on purchase.
I've shown through my previous posts of examples of how companies use B2B marketing, that many companies have responded well to the opportunity from digital media. Many B2B organisations are already successfully using digital marketing in specialist sectors like financial and professional services, IT and software, manufacturing, engineering and science to name a few. But because they don't have a planned approach, they fail to make the most of…
What are the common best practices, are best practices always best?
I was honoured to be asked to give this presentation for Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University Business School to launch the new Faculty of Business and Law, a stunning new £75 million teaching and research headquarters and business hub.
An updated, shorter version of the Manchester Business school deck was also presented to students and professionals at Leeds Metropolitan University and to an IDM Network evening in September 2012 which is included at the end of this post.
Leeds Metropolitan University presentation - November 2012
Manchester presentation - September 2012
We're often told to follow "best practices" in our digital marketing. In the talk I explore the value of this and some of the problems. How do we know what…
There were no major updates on the major digital platforms this month; perhaps the most significant was the announcement that Pinterest has opened free access to all and developed new mobile services which could further spur adoption.
I’d pick our first alert on the new content streaming services as the most interesting topic of discussion for this month, it shows how digital communications platforms continue to evolve.
I’ve summarised the updates on what’s new in the standard five areas to make it quick for you to scan what’s new.
Strategy and planning
The co-founders of Twitter unveiled two new social websites - This alert by The Drum simply says they’re called Medium and Branch and are currently invite only - one to watch. If this sounds insignificant, ReadWriteWeb says “we’re witnessing another sea change in Web publishing” - take a look at this summary by Richard MacManus for 5 reasons why web…
Look to your site first, or opportunities will go down the plughole
Digital marketing strategies vary wildly from business to business as well they should. Not every website has the same business/ sales goals and they most certainly don’t use the same marketing or technical platforms. To a certain degree, before starting to develop strategies for new clients you never know quite what challenges are going to be "thrown your way"!
However, there are some fundamentals to consider in advance of setting or spending budget. The website that you want to digitally market should always be assessed or audited to identify if the best use is being made of the additional traffic that digital marketing will invariably drive.
Let me break this down into an analogy that I like to use with my clients: think of your website as a bath, and your…
The answer depends on your perspective...
We know that the Olympics has been a raving success on so many levels, more so than many of us imagined. So, almost a week after the main event (the Paralympics are still to come), I wondered about the digital success story - what were the take-aways from the London 2012 Olympics for marketers, that we can learn and share on Smart Insights?
I came across this wrap-up from the Head of New Media at London 2012, Alex Balfour. You can see the Slideshare presentation embedded here…
London 2012.com olympic games digital round up 13 august 2012 from Alex Balfour
What can digital marketers learn from London 2012?
The data from London 2012 appears…
Differentiation vs Amplification
We shared Seth Godin's Circles of Marketing blog post a couple of weeks ago, it captured our attention because of the simplicity of the message, the focus on the fundamentals, Seth's always good at that.
The marketing paradox
We believe that Seth has described something of a modern marketing paradox, and we wanted to illustrate it step further than he has. We believe that the marketing paradox that we face is Differentiation and Longevity vs Amplification and Speed. Does the marketer seek genuine differentiation or does he or she chase an opportunity to measurably amplify the brand? The latter is realistically faster, it's what's expected, and just maybe you get a bit of luck or already have a great product, in which case amplification can then work for sure. Yet the inner rings are defensible, considered, harder and longer lasting. They're also the base to upon which you can amplify…
Research shows the continued importance of direct marketing in the marketing mix
With our focus on digital media, it’s easy to forget that traditional marketing communications are still widely used and important drivers of leads and sales. This new research has shown that
“Almost a quarter (23%) of overall turnover (sales) can be attributed to direct marketing”
This is based on research from DMA who are are naturally keen to make the point about the ongoing importance of direct marketing in its latest forms. In their recent research completed by the Future Foundation on direct marketing effectiveness in the UK ,600 companies were surveyed including 453 detailed interviews with companies involved in direct marketing.
It’s interesting to look at the range of options available from what can be considered direct marketing and we can learn from the most popular since this suggests what is most effective today. If we look at the four most popular…