Chart of the day: Analysis of email errors and subject lines suggest Monday is the worst day for email sending

In a study by Boomerang App in late 2016, Monday is found to be the day to avoid sending emails

The research found that the day with the most subject errors on average was a Monday. Response rates also fell by 14% for emails which contained such errors and emails with errors received a 29% reply rate compared with 34% for error-free emails. The research also went on to find that emails sent on a Monday were also the most negative. Source: Boomerang  Sample/ Data source: Subject lines from more than 250,000 emails were passed through an automated grammar-checking library and reported by day Recommended resource: Use our Email Marketing Broadcast Checklist before you send your next email  …

New research explains opportunities and threats

Since social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter launched, social media has offered good organic opportunities for publishers and other brands to share their content and so gain awareness and new subscribers. As social networks have sought to keep more visitors on their sites, tools like Facebook Instant articles and Google's AMP - offers new opportunities for marketers to share their content, but at the same time, a threat since visitors have less opportunities to interact with the publisher website or register. Given this, this new research from Napco Research and Publishing Executive has useful insight for online publishers. This chart shows the publisher's view of the threat, which is substantial and can lead to a need to explore alternatives or avoid new techniques like Instant Articles. Instant Articles is viewed as the biggest threat with LinkedIn not far behind for B2B…

How to avoid the costly mistakes that plague small businesses

So... you’ve started your new business or start up and 2017 is going to be your year! But not wishing to dampen your enthusiasm there are several small business marketing mistakes that can lead to your untimely downfall. To help you prevent this We’ve put together a special guide for small business andstart-upss highlighting the common mistakes not to make this year. Digital marketing excellence isn't just for big business. In our guide to small business digital marketing mistakes we've noted the top 11 digital marketing mistakes that are commonly made by small business. The guide contains not only highlights the mistakes, but also gives actionable recommendations to help you fix the issues. Our top 10 covers all stages of the RACE digital marketing planning framework so you can easily add them to your digital marketing plans in 2017. Here's an exclusive…

3 critical areas you will need to invest in to have a successful 2017

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein  Well there were plenty of difficulties for digital marketers in 2016, so let’s start 2017 by focusing on opportunities; i.e. good things which are available to those who recognise the challenges and tackle them with a positive attitude… So here are my 3 big opportunities of 2017:

 1. Finding and buying great Creative ideas

Some marketers seem to believe (digital) marketing is all about the technology but no…it’s (still) mainly about creative. Brands connecting with people. Entertaining, informing, providing value in return for their time, attention and money. Words, pictures, videos, IDEAS which resonate. Desired reactions would include: “Yeah!” “That’s so true.” “Exactly!” “100%!” “I know what they mean.” “Yes - same!” “Funny!” “Oh, that’s interesting…” “Hello. He’s fit.” “Wow - that’s useful…” (or just quietly watching, listening, engaged…). Check out this case history: The Next Rembrandt by Dutch Bank ING Group and Microsoft (Cannes Cybers Lions…

Google reveals what factors influence your sites 'crawl budget' and what you can do to boost it

Importance: [rating=4] For webmasters managing large sites (1000+ URLs) Recommended Source: Google Webmasters blog Your site has to be crawled by Google if it's going to rank for anything. That's SEO 101. If areas of your site are not getting crawled, it means they won't be appearing in any SERPs and are a total waste of time from an SEO perspective. If you have a small site with a simple URL structure, you don't need to worry about crawl budget at all. But if your site has several thousand URLs, or if it auto-generate pages based on URL parameters, then you might want to look at how you can increase your crawl budget. This post will outline what crawl budget is and how you can improve it, which Google have just explained for the first time.

What is Crawl Budget?


Chart of the day: Small businesses are missing out on some of the most effective marketing techniques.

Salesforce, a content partner of SmartInsights, surveyed 300 small business owners (defined as businesses with less than 100 employees. They found that whilst some marketing techniques such as social media and email marketing were very popular, the vast majority of small businesses were failing to use more advanced techniques which could deliver more value. 93% did not use marketing automation, and 91% did not use a cloud-based CRM system. 4 out of 5 businesses said they did not use any SEO techniques, and only 21% used digital advertising. To say they are missing a trick is an under-statement. Social Media Marketing, the most popular activity, often fails to deliver ROI, and should be used as more as an engagement tool rather than one to gain customers. SEO and Marketing Automation have huge potential, yet…

Draw inspiration from the greatest strategists and marketers when creating your plan for the year ahead

It's the time of year for setting out what you want to achieve in the coming twelve months at both a personal and business level.  Given that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions', you'll also want to think through how and when you will achieve them. It's all too easy to get back into the work routine and find yourself so swamped with daily tasks that taking a step back and thinking about planning and vision for the long term ends up taking a back seat. Before you know it you're several weeks into the year and you still haven't found the time to sit down and properly plan out your strategy. For businesses working on digital transformation, inspiring digital transformation through vision statements can help here. To inspire action, we have put together…

Report shows the key trends small and medium businesses need to utilise this year

Small businesses have more marketing options than they have ever had before. Low barriers to entry on marketing automation and social media platforms present massive opportunities for smaller businesses, yet it also means increased complexity and more channels to keep on top of. This can be a big problem for smaller marketing departments which can quickly become overwhelmed. To give an idea of the scale of the problem, just last year the number of marketing technology companies doubled from around 2000 to 4000. In our infographic of digital marketing tools we identified 35 categories. That means way more options and loads of great new tools, but it also means there are twice the number of solutions to get your head around. How are you meant to know which tools you need and which are superfluous? Understanding trends across…

SMEs with limited time and budget should follow these simple strategies to get results in 2017

 Your website is the face of your company’s digital marketing strategy, yet one of the most common critiques today is that websites are too complicated. Sometimes it’s a case of gamification taken too far or overuse of the popular, but visually intense parallax format – a busy website, overdesigned or poorly formatted is simply difficult to use. What’s more, creating such a site, and maintaining an equally deep marketing presence on social media or via email, is time-consuming and may not pay off. A critique that we encounter far less often in the digital marketing world, is that a website is overly simple, but that doesn’t mean such sites don’t exist. Rather, the overly simple website tends to be described differently: they choose unattractive fonts, lack visual interest, or don’t implement their content effectively. Look at these…

Adapting the Growth/Share Matrix to Marketing

The Growth/Share Matrix is a business strategy tool that's been around for years, but it remains a useful way to think strategically about where you make investments and allocate company budgets. Although it's a general business strategy tool, it can be very useful for thinking about allocating marketing spend and so it is as important for marketers as it is for boards making big strategy decisions. The model is also known as the BCG model, the acronym of the group that created it. The model involves mapping business divisions or products across two key dimensions; Market Share and Market Growth, which then maps them into one of four quadrants. Products/Divisions operating with low market share in a low-growth market are dogs, those operating with a high market share in a low-growth market are cash cows. Divisions or products serving a high growth market but without…