7 Secrets Of Remote Team Collaboration

The ultimate goal of every small marketing business or a large corporation is to build a team culture where productivity will thrive and where all people are tied to the belief that “none of us is as good as all of us.” If you are sharing an office with a couple of people, with your mind set on one thing only, you become a part of a flow and the culture naturally happens. However, if you are miles away from your marketing team, building a culture and becoming a part of it doesn’t just magically happen. While there’s no doubt that remote working is a growing trend, the question still lingers: How to build trust and leverage the way marketers work together no matter where they are or what time zone they belong to? Here, we’ve…

Chart of the day: Only 25% of data is being used for real-time customer engagement

According to a recent study, 25% of businesses are adjusting their marketing communications daily based on customer data they have collected.  It was also reported was that only 16% of UK businesses adjust their marketing communication in real-time based on customer behavior and data collection. Many businesses are yet to make a case for real-time marketing, saying they need to prove ROI before implementing. This is due to the lack of stakeholder buy-in. What does this mean for marketers? By adjusting your marketing communications you can develop a more personal approach to reach your audience. Businesses that are putting themselves in a position to act in real time are more likely to meet their customer's demands. Source: SAS Sample Size: 350 heads of marketing Recommended Resources: Social Media Marketing Toolkit …

Email Marketing is a must-use marketing channel even for the smallest of businesses

Are you a small business owner? There is a big chance that you have many daily responsibilities. In addition to managing a company, you are the visionary, the motivating force, the expert, and most importantly the one that calls the shots. Entrepreneurs have many tasks that are calling for their attention. They also are the individuals that are responsible for mapping out the road for success ahead of their endeavor. So, what is a small business owner to do with so little time?   It is true that there are various needs that must be met within a business, however, have you considered that you might be spending time on efforts that are not urgent?

Are You Running Around in Circles?

Think about your current marketing efforts. What…

Chart of the day: Research shows the power of email marketing to encourage return visits

Much of the insight about how our audiences interact with us online relates to acquisition channels and conversion to sale. So, I was interested to see this research from Ecommerce personalisation platform provider Monetate which shows returning visitor behaviour related to channels. It prompts us to evaluate returning visitor rates and their impact on sales and how we can influence them through communications using different channels.  This curve shows an interesting behavioural trait where most visitors return within a short period of a week or so (if they are going to return), but others do return. What are the implications? Monetate conclude with this takeaway: While outreach tactics, such as targeted emails, should be concentrated within that one-week window, there’s plenty of opportunity to re-engage shoppers after that one-week window: Nearly…

Google introduces a news stream personalized to your interests and Google searches

Google has just rolled out its latest take on the news feed for its mobile app. They have designed a personalized stream of articles and videos based on our choices, searches, and past behavior online. In December 2016 Google launched an update to its app which included two sections: 'A feed that keeps you current on your interests like sports, news, and entertainment, and a section for your upcoming personal info, like flights, appointments and more.' Google's news feed combines the most important news stories of the day with topics you’ve previously searched. What makes this feed different is you don't need to 'friend' anyone, like posts or scroll through endless pictures of babies and ridiculous memes. Instead, Google is allowing you to discover, explore and stay connected to what matters to you. …

Agencies are among the most enthusiastic adopters of new marketing automation tech

With the launch of another mind-boggling Martech Landscape by ChiefMartec.com (now deservedly renamed the Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic or Martech 5000), it’s safe to say that there is an increased appetite for marketing automation technology. This category has been growing steadily over the past years and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, it’s so important that marketing automation has now become the top attribute when choosing an ESP, above cost and user-friendly interface according to the recently-published 2017 Email Industry Census.

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What this shows is that most brands and agencies no longer consider marketing…

Chart of the day: Most customers have to contact companies twice to get a resolution to a customer service problem

Research by maru/edr has found that almost 8 in 10 customers contact companies by one method (such as online chat) and then by another (such as by phone) - customers feel they need to use multiple channels to get a resolution. The research also found that (as expected) email is the easiest method of contact, but phone contact led to a more immediate resolution. Live chat also led to a slightly higher number of resolutions than email. Social media was found to resolve issues the least and the most difficult method for contact, which is surprising - especially with the wider use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. We have seen that more and more companies are investing time to integrate social media into their…

What to measure when conducting customer surveys

The customer has to be at the heart of your strategy. That's so elemental it hardly merits saying. But how do you accurately build up a picture of your customers desires, wants, and needs? Customer surveys offer a valuable way of connecting with your customers and understanding them better. But, often it's extremely hard to get your customers' attention for periods long enough to get detailed results. After all, we're all busy. Let's face it, how many emails asking you to give your feedback have you ignored in the past week? More than the number of surveys you've answered in all likelihood. If you need tips on how to get more from your customer surveys, this infographic from appuri offers four ways you can improve them. Also, see our new Quick Win for members on Customer Satisfaction Surveys and measuring NPS for more detailed recommendations on best practices for…

Chart of the day: 3 in 10 Wimbledon Fans are watching branded video on social media

You may have noticed Twitter has partnered with the All England Lawn Tennis Club by live streaming its Wimbledon Channel. Allowing tennis fans around the world to tune in and watch matches live. Social Media has played a big part in the promotion of Wimbledon Championships. This chart shows how social media has helped shares and comments throughout the event. According to Global Web Index 3 in 10 Wimbledon Fans are watching branded video online. The results below show that each country is more likely to follow the sports stars over watching or following sports on social media. This presents a clear opportunity for brands who are looking to use video or broadcasting in their campaigns. If you have proof that your followers are engaged on social media and are…

Chart of the day: Mobile search and Mobile display have grown rapidly from 2015 to 2016 in Europe.

Mobile video rose more than 20% between 2015 and 2016, according to the Adex Benchmark from IAB and IAB Europe. The UK leads mobile ad growth compared with the rest of Europe. There is year on year growth of around 53% for mobile advertising. Mobile advertising revenue globally has hit $83 billion which is over 60% increase. Mobile display advertising grew by 52.9% to €5.4 billion in Europe, mobile search was up 52.9% amounting to €5.5 billion. Serbia, Romania and Turkey have seen the biggest mobile display advertising growth year-on-year. Source: IAB Adex Benchmark 2016 - published June 2017 Sample: Data provided by IHS Markit and ComScore Recommended…