It’s Christmas Ad Season – but what emotions are leading brands playing on?
Yep, it’s that time of year again, that time when in true festive style we all become a little child-like, eagerly awaiting this year’s fresh batch of Christmas ads to see what beauties lie in store for us. You know it’s true don’t you? These Christmas themed ads give us a warm, cosy feeling inside, making us feel a whole range of different emotions right across the spectrum… happiness, nostalgia, thankfulness, warmth, protective, loving…..the list goes on.
However, despite watching and experiencing some of the above mentioned emotions, the question that we never stop to consider is simply, why do we react in this way? What, precisely, is it that makes us feel the way we feel when watching these ads, and what is it that makes us want to watch Christmas ads, when we quickly skip over any…
Who uses Snapchat by age, gender and country?
Do you think Snapchat is a 'fad'? Not so, particularly amongst the younger audience. There are now 400 million snapchats sent every day!
This Snapchat infographic from GlobalWebIndex shows that the UK and United States rank amongst the top 3 countries for usage, as it's popular amongst the 16 - 24 year old 'snapchatters' who are multi-connecting across social media platforms.
As we highlighted last year, savvy brands targeting younger audiences are trialling Snapchat in marketing campaigns to connect with their youth audience.
If you're still not sure how Snapchat works, watch this Youtube video which shows you the latest features.
November 7, 2014
How to measure the marketing effectiveness of video content
Your video is clocking up hundreds of views, which is great. But does that mean it’s successful?
Not necessarily.
A revved up view counter in YouTube may indicate that your video is popular, but it doesn’t tell the full story.
For example, it doesn’t tell you how many people only watched the first couple of seconds before dipping out, if they re-watched any sections or if they skipped entire parts.
Rather than watching views, you need to be measuring a much broader set of metrics.
If, like most people, you choose to host your video via YouTube, the metrics you need to consider lie deep within the analytics section of YouTube.
YouTube Analytics options
YouTube Analytics offers in-depth video data which is much more than just views.
One of the first places to start is the Traffic Source. Find out where your viewers have come from and how long they spend…
... and how to deliver on the potential of your blog
The potential benefits for a small business that blogs are vast. Along with building brand identify and improving reputations, it can also help build a loyal base of customers, increase search engine visibility in a fiercely competitive environment and lower the overall cost of marketing goods or services.
However, it's common for businesses to fail to reap the rewards they were looking for when they start blogging - I've identified five below. There are some common reasons for these failings, that I've seen when working with clients, which if acknowledged can be used to turn the blog around to deliver on the benefits originally sought.
1. Lack of skills and resources
Perhaps the biggest reason why a small business blog fails is down to a lack of skills and resources. Even though the author may have extensive knowledge…
Be objective by using Business Intelligence
One of the most pertinent quotes about the data analytics industry was said by Jim Barksdale, former Netscape CEO: 'If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.' This strikes a chord in businesses, especially when it comes to strategizing and improving the user experience (UX) where perceptions of how good an online experience is, with all its benefits and constraints, is shaped by the personal backgrounds and expertise of many individuals within an industry. Developers, designers, and information architects will all come up with different critiques and directions to the same issue.
Business Intelligence is your only objective friend
Tapping into the power of BI as a way to improve user experience
BI and data analytics, on the other hand, give businesses fact-based assessments, numbers, and…
September 29, 2014
Tools to uncover competitor video content approaches
In the past, competitor analysis meant hours of trawling through your competitors’ social media sites and building time-consuming reports.
Nowadays, SaaS based systems can do some of the hard work for you. All you need to do is log on, input your competitor details and see for yourself exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. Some systems are free and do not even require a login.
In this post you will find out about some great tools that will help you uncover great video marketing strategies and ideas.
Changing landscape of video strategy
After Google, YouTube is the internet’s second largest search engine. A growing number of viewers are beginning to subscribe to business channels too. In fact, the number of people subscribing daily has increase three-fold since 2013.
As more businesses start to tap into the power…
Key approaches to develop your marketing analytics strategy
When you first begin venturing into the world of marketing analytics, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Why? Well, put simply, marketing analytics is made up of a number of processes and technologies that help you analyze the performance of your marketing efforts.
By measuring marketing data, you can determine where to adjust your strategies, improving your ROI. And because it’s all about tracking and responding to data, your first instinct might be 'the more data, the better!' but that can be a slippery slope.
You’ll soon learn that crafting an effecting strategy can help streamline your processes and give you more 'bang' for your metaphorical analytics 'buck.'
Why you need a marketing analytics strategy
Your strategy acts as a plan that informs the purpose of analyzing the data you collect. Rather than just looking through all…
Don't lose sight of your brand personality your #video strategy
Storytelling has been around for millennia. As children we grew up with tales and fondly remember stories opening with 'Once upon a time…'. With this nostalgic link in mind, businesses use stories as central parts of their advertising and messaging campaigns when seeking to humanise their brands.
Source: Shutterstock
Today, social media are an ideal vehicle to distribute these stories. And with good reason, the online landscape is becoming noisier every day. Storytelling is an effective method for getting heard above the din.
On a practical level, storytelling is a great way to engage, motivate and connect with your readers. But with so much content being shared daily by so many brands, the written word just doesn’t have the same impact anymore -- particularly for the reader who has grown up expecting…
Fight the Big Data Backlash and use Smart Data help you identify purchase intent
Big data is starting to experience some significant backlash. A ‘case in point’ comes from a recent popular article in VentureBeat: ‘Big data’ is dead. What’s next? The backlash is more to do with the buzz than the data but the reason relates to the difficulty of extracting meaningful insights from big data.
Born from the backlash comes another buzzword; smart data, a means of extracting these meaningful insights from big data.
Looking past the marketing hype, smart data is actually the metamorphosis of big data into something actionable. Here we look at recognizing purchase intent as an example of actionable data extraction.
Big data vs Smart data rundown
So let’s start with the basic question of what is big data? Big data refers to massive volumes of structured and unstructured…
Avoid the mistakes of video marketing by using animated videos effectively
Traditional video marketing is declining in viewing popularity – this post looks at what can be done to reverse this trend and highlights animated videos as a simple, cost-effective and highly engaging way to get more eyeballs on your video content
Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular with more and more marketers using videos to get their message out there, as well as competing for as many eyeballs as possible! In fact 50% of users watch business related videos On YouTube once a week.
But whilst we’re seeing a rise in brands creating videos we’re also witnessing a slight decline in people actually viewing them. Is it because we’re now being flooded with videos and it’s becoming a saturated marketplace? Or is it because this flood is marked by boring, 'me too',, non-engaging videos
The answer is both. But while the flood…