7 examples of landing page design techniques inspired by the growth in mobile usage

The technological progress of the 21st century has made  online users more choosy and difficult to interest than ever before. If we take a look at the evolution of the web, it becomes almost impossible to believe that it all began with a simple networking protocol more than 20 years ago. And nobody was complaining of poor navigation or unappealing visualization back then. Growth in mobile device usage has sparked many changes to the way we approach landing page design which I'll review in this article. Due to the ongoing improvements of the digital market, every business tries to find the most effective and eye-catching landing page solution. All of the companies ask themselves if there are some fresh ideas to win the hearts of prospective customers. If you're creating a website for your business or…

4 copywriting tips for optimising your product pages

In ecommerce, as in life, there are those who are unsuccessful, those who are successful, and there are those that are exceptionally successful. Given the choice, which one of these three groups would you choose to emulate with your own ecommerce business? There are of course many factors that come into play when determining whether your business becomes the next big thing, or last year’s forgotten disaster – product quality, customer service and price points to name just a few. But how well you handle the product copywriting on your website is one thing that can have a massive impact on how successful your business is. To help ensure that your product descriptions are successful in turning web users into customers, you could do far worse than attempt to emulate the techniques and methods of those online businesses that are already hugely successful. So who…

When is the best time to call time on a split test??

One of the biggest issues when running a split test is knowing how long to run it for. Confusingly, depending on the split testing tool you use it may tell you when to stop or it may even stop the test for you based on it’s own statistical calculations. For the uninitiated that might sound like job done but in fact it’s misleading and possibly injurious to the final objective. You need to consider a few other things:

Business cycle

For the purpose of split testing, the business cycle, i.e. aggregate trade activity over a given period of time, is often thought of in terms of weeks or months. Years is rather too long to call a result even if it is likely to be statistically more robust. Days are pretty pointless, they are far too short a time…

Let's find out what the experts think...

Last year here at Cicada, we worked with a number of new clients who had nice-looking websites produced by designers they know and trust. As we worked with these customers on the 'discovery process' at the start of the projects,  the same issue arose time and time again... While our clients thought their websites looked good, they couldn’t understand why they just weren’t doing well enough at getting visitors and converting them into leads. We had a good idea why this was, but to bring more oomph to our argument, we spoke to four experts in effective site design to find out their views on the differences between a brochure website that looks great, into one that delivers enquiries for your business. Our four interviewees are from different professional backgrounds within the digital industry, and we were intrigued…

A recommended wireframe and best practice examples for retail Product Details Pages

In part four of our review of best practices for different types of retail site pages we will cover the Product Details Page (PDP).  Of course, the product page template is an essential page in the conversion path and when visits are aggregated across all product pages, this often represents the largest chunk of total views or 'footfall' when viewed in analytics. Product details pages are accessed both as part of a wider online purchasing journey, for example browsing a category page and then navigating through to specific product, such as campaign or landing pages. It’s therefore important to understand the different user needs as not everyone who visits a Product page will be ready to buy, so the page also needs to provide as much relevant and useful information as possible. Sometimes large catalogue retailers use more than one template design because optimisation teams…

B2C product landing page discussion for Flaviar

Flaviar gets a landing page makeover.

Welcome to Round 3 of Smart Insights' Marketing Fight Club, where you get 2 different expert opinions on the simplest way to boost sales for a real start-up. Watch the video below to get ideas for simple tweaks that you can apply to your landing page today to improve clarity and increase conversions. After you watch the video don't forget to vote for the winner of this round in the comments below, and share your thoughts on the strategies discussed. We'd love to hear your feedback!

Stepping into the ring today we have...

Alex Harris - Ecommerce conversion specialist at alexdesigns.com vs Pete Z - Email sales specialist at MAGNETT.co. Alex and I go head-to-head in this episode to boost sales for Flaviar,  a club for discovering premium spirits, where they send…

Why do online shoppers abandon their Ecommerce shopping baskets and what can retailers do to re-engage?

What is frustrating American online shoppers and how can businesses minimise shopping cart abandonment, or encourage these buyers to return to their baskets? Over 1,000 ecommerce online consumer interactions, from Visual Website Optimizer (VWO, a website testing platform company), reveals these frustrations and also the positive drivers to encourage shoppers to purchasing their products post abandonment. The Ecommerce survey shows the main drivers for consumers abandoning their shopping cart from companies is 1. companies not being transparent about shipping costs and 2. consumers being forced to create a new account. It's interesting that abandoned shoppers can be converted, as 54% will purchase their 'basket items' if they are contacted with a discount. Download the full report from VWO.com's site (registration is required) to also find…

Practical Tips covering SEO, OVP and CRO [Video]

Welcome to Round 2 of Smart Insights' Marketing Fight Club, where you get 2 different expert opinions on the simplest way to boost sales for a real startup. In Round 1 we looked at ideas to to boost sales for Boomf another startup.

Enplug gets new conversion tactics

Watch the video below to get simple tweaks that you can apply to your business today to improve your value message and increase conversions. After you watch the video don't forget to vote for the winner of this round in the comments below, and share your thoughts on the strategies discussed. We'd love to hear your feedback!

Stepping into the ring today we have...

Ramon Ray - Expert marketer & Publisher of Smart Hustle Magazine vs Wil Reynolds - SEO & Marketing expert and Founder of SEER Interactive Ramon and Wil…

Seconds out, Round 1 in a series of 4 bouts!

Boomf gets a clear value message.

Welcome to Round 1 of Smart Insights' Marketing Fight Club, where you get 2 different expert opinions on the simplest way to boost sales for a real startup. Watch the video below to get simple tweaks that you can apply to your business today to improve your value message and increase conversions. After you watch the video don't forget to vote for the winner of this round in the comments below, and share your thoughts on the strategies discussed. We'd love to hear your feedback!

Stepping into the ring today we have...

Ian Lurie - Expert marketer, speaker & CEO of Portent. vs Pete Z - Email sales specialist at magnett.co Ian is well-known for his search marketing and analytics advice which you'll find on the Portent Blog. Ian and I go…

Recommended design patterns and best practices for online retail Product category pages

This is the second in the series of posts from me in which I hope to give you ideas to consider for testing improvements to page elements on retail and other ecommerce sites following emerging best practices. In my first post, we covered best practices for ecommerce homepage designs. If you work in an ecommerce team at a retailer, or are involved in design for your client’s accounts, then I hope these templates and tips will help generate ideas for testing page enhancements.

Key Ecommerce category page wireframe requirements

In retail, 'product category page' is the general term referring to pages listing the range of individual products. But you may know Category pages as Hub, Department or Division pages. Then there will often be sub-category pages too depending on the information architecture for the catalogue. The key core elements of…