How to make your landing pages generate more revenue

Do you want to sell more? Or capture relevant targeted leads? Then you need to work on your landing pages to ensure they are working hard enough for you. Today we are going to talk about landing page optimization tips. More specifically we are going to talk about the steps we can take to improve conversions after a visitor has landed on your target page. We want to get him to take the step we have identified as the goal for that particular landing page. To be able to measure conversion, we first need to identify what conversion is in the first place. According to this Google AdWords page: Conversion rates are calculated by simply taking the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. For example, if you…

Taking a more systematic approach to discover why your website visitors are not converting

What’s stopping you from converting more of your website visitors into sales or leads right now? One of the reasons, that we'll explore in this article, is a lack of tangible insight. There’s often a mistaken understanding that analytics and insights are one and the same, or that viewing charts and tables will provide answers when often the right question itself hasn’t yet been asked. Analytics will only take you so far in understanding your website visitors using averages and actions taken but they won’t give nearly enough insights into why those actions were taken. To uncover why your non-converters are leaving your website you can create hypotheses based on watching user session replays (recordings of them browsing of your site), look at screen mouse and click based heat maps to see where people are loitering and clicking, run…

Use these landing page creation and testing tools to optimise the conversion rates of your landing pages

Lead generation is a key goal of digital marketing in many sectors. By testing landing page layout, headlines and copy you can increase lead volume and thus potentially sales using cost-effective techniques. By hosting test pages on the servers of suppliers you should be able to bypass the need for agency or IT department involvement to get test up-and-running rapidly. The tools listed in this post will help you design and test pages which improve the conversion rate to lead. SmartInsights has no relationship with any of these tools, we just want to help readers looking to utilise landing page testing tools by pointing them to quality providers.

Key things to consider before purchasing and using these tools:

Ease of use of setting up tests Integration with CRM systems you use or plan to use …

Examples of high converting calls to action to inspire your own copywriting

To succeed online you need to build an effective testing and optimising strategy that will help you to maximise conversion rates. How do you know what are the most important things for a better conversion? Versatile. scientific testing, pages optimization, various payment gateways, landing pages, and more. These factors will definitely help you to improve your bottom line by getting higher conversion rates. One of the most effective ways to boost your conversion rate is to improve your calls to action by making them more compelling. You can test many different messaging and design techniques to boost conversion, but in this article I will focus on the humble CTA to get your audience onto the next stage in the path to purchase. You can create a great CTA of any shape, style, and size. The main thing is to create CTA buttons in…

An in-depth case study from our work with Conversion Rate Experts, including before and after images of winning A/B tests

It's fair to say we talk a lot about how you can improve your digital marketing results here at SmartInsights. It's kind of our thing. I like to think nobody does it better. But those who talk the talk should also be made to walk the walk, else how else do they know their advice is actually relevant and applicable to real business? Since we're always talking about the need to optimize across the whole customer journey and constantly test messaging to boost your conversion rate, we worked with Conversion Rate Experts to do exactly this. We wanted to share what we did and the changes we made with you so you can make similar improvements to your own sites which can deliver big boosts to your CRO.

Start out with deep research


Using rigorous A/B testing to optimize your lead capture rate

Now, many people think opt-in forms are annoying and don’t belong on a website. Truth be told - I’ve seen a lot of bad popups and other types of sign up forms that just don’t belong on any website. I get the frustration many people have with these forms. However, there is one simple reason why you should use them on your website - they work! There will always be haters no matter what you do, but in this post I’ll share my very best tips and tricks I’ve learned by analyzing millions of sessions, so you can decrease the number of haters and increase the number of leads.

Why use opt-in forms?

I know I’ve already answered this question in short, but I want to elaborate and give you some examples. …

How to boost CRO for non-ecommerce sites

When you think of Conversion Rate Optimisation and AB testing, what comes to mind first is probably ecommerce websites, product pages, baskets and checkouts. But the scope of optimisation programs is much wider than this. We work with several brands, from car dealership groups to home improvement to charities, where the objective is to create a lead, usually via a form – the sale or activity happens in a branch, over the phone or in a customer’s home, rather than on the website. The challenges when optimising these lead generation sites can be quite different to e-commerce. Here are some of the things we’ve learned over the years.

1. There is no such thing as ‘best practice’ in a lead generation websites

Arguably, there’s no such thing as best practice on any website, but, still, there are some conventions and expectations around checkouts and product pages that…

Over half of customers prefer to buy from a site using guest checkout

In our latest Chart of the Day, we find that research by Worldpay suggests there are several key barriers to cart abandonment, including lack of guest checkout and lack of delivery option available. It's the most important thing anyone in E-commerce or digital marketing can focus on: how to cut abandonment rates and increase conversions. As digital marketers ourselves it's something we're working on everyday. The research found that: Over half prefer guest checkout Over half would abandon their cart if they cannot get the delivery option they want Almost 7 in 10 customers aged between 18 and 35 are more likely to purchase on their mobile phones Over half of customers are positive about one click purchasing Nearly 4 in 10 think paying online is too slow …

How golfing brand Lyle & Scott achieved a 48% Increase in Revenue Per Visitor

Throughout its 140 year history, Lyle & Scott has built a global reputation for distinctive, beautifully designed, high quality knitwear, combined with the brand’s solid authority and presence in the golfing sector.  The company is committed to developing new and exciting products, making them available to customers across multiple channels. The Lyle & Scott website ( now retails in over 50 countries worldwide making ecommerce one of the major components of the company’s sales structure. This case study shows how they increased the vital revenue per visitor KPIs by following the AWA Digital Ecommerce CRO process.

CRO project background and objectives

Lyle & Scott’s objective was to increase the conversion rate of the Website. The ecommerce team wanted to augment online sales by increasing revenue per customer. The ecommerce team had built a substantial customer database and were already mining…

Ingredients to increase your Ecommerce conversions

Let’s take a moment and think about your favourite shoe brand – Is it really a brand or is it an Ecommerce store just like any other? How did it became your favourite? Well, the answer is straightforward. Of the online brands that initially spring up as an Ecommerce store, their evolution into an effective brand depends on what kinds of products and services they provide, and more importantly what they do to make their customers feel happy and satisfied. Then, a brand becomes more of a feeling that drives customers to your store.

Fundamentals of E-Commerce branding

Before you decide on a successful brand strategy, you must have a sound understanding of your own business. Start by brainstorming on following issues to discover what makes your brand stand out. Does your online business have a goal? Does your product solve any problems? What…