A detailed case study showing how Dell structure their customer experience and improvement programme worldwide
Value: [rating=5]
Added Jan 2011: The commitment of Dell to improving sales and experience through a measured approach is shown since have 25 dedicated people doing A/B and MV tests, not counting several others who support them. This was reported on Twitter by @anilbatra who was listening to Dell present at a Web Analytics Assocation symposium in Austin.
Our commentary: Presented at Emetrics Washington DC in 2010, this 36 slide presentation entitled "From Good to Great" shows how Dell have evolved their analytics capability as shown in the diagram. It shows that the move to digital optimisation doesn't occur overnight.

Marketing implications: This case shows the strategic importance Dell attach to web analytics and how it supports their vision for the digital channel. It shows how Dell improved the key areas of the organisation to improve their improvement capability...
- Capability benchmarking
- Vision
- KPIs
- Integration between teams through collaborative process
- Imprlementation process
- Technology

Dell's vision of how analytics supports Ecommerce vision
Recommended link: Download Dell Analytics case study