Is this the Perfect Marketing Agency exec?
We love this new infographic just posted on The Agency Post. It's simply fun! You could say it prompts ideas of what makes a good, functional, responsive agency that is following the latest digital marketing best practices, but it's just fun really.
As the creator explains:
"Both agencies and clients say they value creativity, expertise in emerging trends, and product and service innovation in an agency. However, the day-to-day of maintaining and collaborating between two teams makes a single email or request seem like the thing standing between your agency and that next review. With this narrow view, an agency metamorphosizes into a Frankenstein-like monster — one that fulfills a client’s every need and want".

This seems to cover all of the current agency buzzwords nicely, from sub-sonic hearing needed for real-time social media listening to the viral wand of creativity. It also hints at the internal agency and agency-client tensions.
If you're looking to improve the digital marketing capabilities of your agency, check out our Agency Digital Marketing toolkit.