Despite the proclamations that email marketing was dead in 2010,  the data and practice by marketers suggests that email marketing is alive and well and will continue to be a mainstay of customer communications in 2011. Given the continued importance of email marketing, as we go into 2011, I thought it would be useful to highlight some of the opportunities to make better use of email marketing based on my following of the trends and the email marketers, email consultants and agencies I spoke to in 2010.

5 success factors for your email marketing in 2011

1. Decide how email best creates value for you in 2011. One of the best posts giving advice here is by Loren McDonald - read his 8 implications for email marketing in 2011. For me his suggestions show how you must understand the value email marketing can create for your organisation. This starts…

My predictions on 11 marketing trends for 2011

I'm was early in reviewing marketing trends for 2011 since I presented my predictions on the latest developments at the IDM/DMA North Annual Conference in October 2010. You can view my presentation at the end of this post.

2011 update - predictions in key areas of Internet marketing

Since this post has been popular and we've been learning from what others have been saying as we enter 2011, we've also created a series of posts giving our recommendations on strategies you could consider for your 2011 marketing. To make them more useful we give links through to other recommendations and where you can get started. We have top tactics for 2011 for: Social media recommendations Natural search marketing tactics Paid search marketing recommendations Email marketing predictions Web analytics predictions I also updated the presentation embedded at the end of the post for a talk I gave…

Mashable highlight 5 growing social media trends

Value: [rating=4] Our commentary: A new breed of Q&A services are changing the way we search. Barcode scanning applications are making products social, and deal-of-the-day sites are giving us ways to save by recruiting our friends to the party. With so many studies highlighting ever-accelerating social media usage rates, the conclusion is obvious "€” social media is everywhere. This Mashable post introduces 5 big trends to consider, if you're not doing so already. Marketing implications: Think smartphones initially - 'Social scanning' where users are able to scan barcodes for price comparison or use QR codes to enter into social experiences around current location. Building on that there's 'Mobile loyalty', where smartphones are the digital repository for loyalty data but now integrate location based services as well. My favourites are 'web-based Q&A services' for intelligent information discovery like Quora, Aardvark and Facebook Questions - and also…
Technologies get attention, yet they"€™re fleeting suggests Steve Rubel in this presentation for Edelmen PR. I couldn"€™t agree more - remember MySpace, bought by Murdoch 5 years ago for £330m. And, only yesterday Google Wave went belly-up. Rubel notes that trends develop more slowly and are timeless, and for this reason it"€™s the trends that we need to take note of. So many "€˜new trends"€™ have been there all along, after all what"€™s really so new about social media - aside from the changing technology? Our desire to connect and share isn't new, and forums were one of the first web services online. Was that early social media or "€˜word of mouth"€™, both? So what trends are new according to Rubel... Six Digital Trends To Watch by Steve Rubel and David Armano…
I'm always surprised by the popularity of tactical predictions for digital marketing at the start of the year. But I shouldn't be, one of the most common questions I get asked through the year 'is Dave, what's the next big thing, what's new in digital, what should I be thinking about?' As always, I've been keeping an eye on what the specialists are saying and I have written a roundup of most useful predictions on digital marketing tactics that are close to my heart like SEO, Social marketing, Email marketing and analytics. My own predictions aren't the run-of-the-mill predictions of innovations, rather they're about what the most savvy digital marketers get already, but others maybe don't because they're stuck in trad media thinking or it's so difficult to change the way their marketing is managed and resourced. So here are my recommendations for…
Not long ago, virtual reality was the futurists' "mot du jour" before the underwhelming takeup of VR gloves, headsets and Second Life. Now, in 2009, I'm sure you've noticed, augmented reality featuring widely in the media. So as an update to for the next editions of my books,  this post gives a definition and showcases some examples. I'd love to hear about other examples too - particularly where AR is being used for web marketing. Definition of augmented reality marketing It's tricky to define AR since it's new and has many different applications and feedback mechanisms from data capture to user. But here's the one sentence definition of how I see it used in commercial web context - please put me straight! Augmented reality blends real-world digital data capture typically with a digital camera in a webcam or mobile phone to create a browser-based digital representation or experience mimicking that of the real-world Examples always work…