Our look at the latest trends in digital media and technology and how they will impact marketing in 2016
At the start of each year, there is always a lot of interest in predictions for the year ahead and the latest marketing trends."What's Hot?" and "What's Next?" are always the most common questions when I give webinars and talks!
What are the latest digital marketing trends for 2017?
I originally wrote this post in early 2016 and, as you'll know, the digital marketing world moves fast, so in a new post, I have recommendations on key trends for 2017. Hopefully, you'll find different ideas there. This post looks at integration and the challenges of digital transformation, the new post looks at 5 different types of trends each business should consider and specific trends that should change your approach.
Digital Marketing trends for 2017 : 8 megatrends affecting every business
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The potential to completely transform your digital marketing using any combination of these five emerging technologies is not to be underestimated
Technology and marketing go hand in hand, and more so than you might think. If it were not for the technological advances in the 1980s and the emergence of databases then relationship marketing would not be possible.
Of course, not only marketing technology but the entire world as we now know it would be a vastly different place had search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Ask not arrived in the 1990s, which manifested the beginning of search marketing.
Then we saw the age of mobile take hold with the emergence of 3G mobile networks and the arrival of the smartphone in 2007 with Apple’s first iteration of the iPhone, now a truly ubiquitous technological advancement that has changed the lives of millions of people.
Now here we are in 2016. In the…
How considering the latest trends can help you stay ahead of the competition
2015 was an exciting year in the world of search engine optimization and social media marketing. These two fields are constantly evolving, with plenty of changes that prompt shifts in consumer and marketer behavior. In order to succeed, you should adapt to these changes and employ the latest and most effective strategies. The following are 15 social media and search engine marketing trends in 2016 and what you should do to stay ahead of the curve:
1. Mobile optimization is a must.
Last year, mobile generated more traffic than desktop and laptop search. With virtually everyone using their smartphone or tablet to find information online, it goes without saying that business owners must cater to the needs of their mobile audience to generate leads and increase conversions. If your website still isn’t optimized for mobile, then you risk losing out…
Digital Marketing will increasingly become about visual storytelling
As we move into 2016, the digital marketing industry is inevitably bound to shift. While changes occur at all points throughout the year, there’s something about January that gives brands a fresh start. All of the sudden, we’re paying attention to the future, as opposed to reflecting on the past. Well, as you look towards 2016, it’s important that you focus on two words: visual storytelling.
What is Visual Storytelling?
It doesn’t matter what continent you travel to, which time period you study, or which people group you analyze, humans have and always will love stories. In the early days, people sat around campfires and told stories and passed along legends from one generation to the next. Today, we log into our Netflix account to watch the latest flick. Stories are what engaged and captivated the early inhabitants of the world, and somehow, they’re still…
The self-proclaimed "world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies", CES 2016 has been as popular as ever. Here's our roundup of the most important new tech innovations relevant to marketers.
More marketers than ever from across industries are now attending the huge Consumer-Electronics show, CES which takes place every January in Las Vegas. Marketers now account for more than 15% of the attendees (26,587 to be precise, according to the CES), so we thought we'd take a look at the latest innovations which we could be using in the year(s) ahead.
An increase of 9% attendance from between 2013 and 2015, points towards a trend and highlights the rising importance of digital platforms for engaging consumers. So much so that it lead AdAge to suggest that the “Future of CES Belongs to Marketers”.
"Digital isn't a destination. It's a foundation. What…
Making a brand meaningful
According to the 2015 Meaningful Brands research by Havas, most people would not care if 74% of all brands disappeared for good. This should be a wake-up call for the majority of brands. The marketing landscape is continuously changing and digital technology is developing faster than ever. It will come as no surprise, that some businesses fail to keep up with these trends.
Most of the problems that brands face nowadays result from problems in marketing communication. Many marketers have not updated their strategies to today's consumers who are more demanding in terms of customers service, less loyal to favorite brands and more resistant to traditional marketing messages.
December is usually the time when most companies sum up the whole year and prepare for the upcoming months.
1. Ad blocking will continue to grow
Users that use ad blockers…
How do the trends of 2015 compare to 2016 and what are the implications for your marketing investments in the year ahead?
Around November/December/January of every year, there is a flurry of posts discussing the trends for the following Season. This time around is absolutely no exception!
With trends posts already creeping including Dave Chaffey’s Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 post), they undoubtedly make for interesting reading and help you consider further where to prepare for the year ahead. In Dave's post we asked Smart Insights readers to vote not just on 'what's hot' or what they expect to drive the most leads and sales, but what will give the biggest increment - or improvement - a key difference when looking at changes.
In early December we'll be doing a 'deep-dive' into trends for the different channels too at our free online summit - check out the agenda below - you can register in advance…
Wearable technology trends and the future of digital selling
Until what seems like very recently, wearable technology has remained on the fringes of consumer consciousness, with most people unsure what to make of it. 'What’s the point in moving the user interface two inches from my pocket to my wrist?' people rightly ask. 'But I’m terrible at multitasking, those glasses will just be another distraction…' Although wearables still have yet to gain widespread popularity, interest is stirring and 2015 may just be the year it turns a corner.
According to a recent report from Juniper Research, wearable advertising spend is estimated to reach just $1.5 million this year, but by 2019 is expected to hit a slightly more impressive $68.7 million. That’s a huge new market, and one that online marketers would do well to embrace.
Source: …
Day 1 round-up from Social Media World Forum, June 2015, London
I had the pleasure of attending Day 1 of the Social Media World Forum in London on the 8th June. As you'd expect from an event like this, there was a lot of great stories, insights and new information from the world of social media on topics ranging from humanising your brand and content through to UGC, CGC and online reviews.
Instead of producing a round-up of the individual sessions I attended at #SMWF, I thought it better instead to highlight some of the key themes and trends I took from the event. From day 1 alone I picked up on a number of recurring topics, with the top five including:
Paid amplification vs. organic growth
Reviews, user-generated content (UGC) and community
Rational vs. emotional thinking
Disrupted business models
The power of brand storytelling
1. Paid amplification vs. organic growth
It's been long documented that organic reach on…
30 cutting-edge digital marketing tools and techniques to help grow your business
It’s my favourite time of blogging year, where we look ahead to what will be the major trends in digital marketing in the year ahead. I find there’s a real thirst for knowledge amongst marketers about the latest trends in digital marketing and Ienjoy reviewing the latest marketing techniques and technologies. For the past few years I have given my recommendations on the trends as I see them, based on reviewing innovation in marketing technology through the year, plus crowdsourcing what Smart Insights readers see as important for them.
Update for 2016 Digital Marketing Trends
Well, that's us nearly into 2016, so we have a new series of updates looking at the latest 2016 Digital Marketing Trends and we have been adding to our coverage of the latest trends:
Managing Digital Marketing 2015…