New infographic shows what your email must deliver to keep subscribers

All email marketers are keen to keep their unsubscribe rate a minimum, although it will never be zero. Here's interesting new data on the reasons why unsubscribes happen in this infographic from Litmus. It's down to Relevance and Frequency as you'd expect. The main learning for me, is suggesting how you should go beyond the email broadcast stats and finding what your audience want from your content and their preferred frequency. That means asking them through focus groups or additional I always think "spam is in the eye of the beholder (ouch)" - if you're not relevant, then a subscriber will think you're a spammer, even if you're an established brand. The infographic also takes a look at engagement filtering behaviors for Gmail and Hotmail which is increasingly an issue for getting your emails in front of your audience…

Infographic shows the preferences of 72 UK journalists

Seeding social media assets like video and infographics to journalists of traditional publications is still important today, particularly since the online sites of many publications now publish these type of assets. They have huge reach too, of course. Given the continuing importance of engaging traditional journalists in addition to blogger outreach, I though this was an interesting infographic. It shows how journalists prefer to research and be contacted. Twitter and blogs seems to be the most favoured approaches. This infographic is produced by Text 100 public relations to mark their sponsorship of this weeks Social Media World Forum. If you can't make it, you can follow it on #SMWF.  …
Social Media is still a new and scary world to many people and companies. Its a relatively new tool to the marketing world which is, without doubt, changing the way we work and live. For small businesses, in particular, social media can be a daunting place. We have created this Digital / Social Media reference for our Expert members that helps summarise all the key paid-owned-earned media techniques for the main social networks. This post originally featured a crib-sheet from FlowTown to help small business get to grips with the most popular social networks. Unfortunately this is no longer available. We liked the "learn the lingo" summary, as marketers today, we're often translating the labels and vocabularies of the tools and this gives a neat summary.  …

What makes the perfect email call-to-action (CTA)?

The recent post by Kath Pay discussing what makes an effective call-to-action in marketing emails showed how it's easy to get this wrong. No excuses now! Check out this new + useful infographic from Litmus that shows every issue about CTAs you could possibly want to know about. A lot of the ideas are obvious, but the obvious isn't always obvious, particularly when there are other design constraints. Of course, colour and size get a mention, but did you know there is even a law to back this up; this Fitt's Law states that: "The time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target". I also enjoyed the snippet that showed that buttons with arrows encourage more clicks than those that don't - collectively these small tweaks can make a…

An infographic showing how to use content marketing to grow your business

What do you do at a time when paid-for media is neither reliable nor scalable, earned media is super-competitve and owned media properties require constant investment to engage your visitors? We believe you should do one thing, first and foremost; invest in the very best branded content that you can afford to create, seed and syndicate. This is particularly true if you're a small business or startup who can't afford substantial media investment, but many large brands are also profiting from content marketing. I've written before about marketing with using content to add the human factor to your brand, and Chris Soames post last week showed the contuining rise of content marketing. Spurred by the feedback and popularity of our inbound and content marketing blueprint, we wanted to share our ideas on using content with specific stages of the buyer process…

A new infographic to help you create content people want to share

Content marketing facts from the infographic

26% + of B2B marketing budgets are invested in content 79% of marketers use article publication as a tactic 52% use video 62% of companies outsource their content marketing Brand awareness and customer acquisition are the two main goals of content marketing Blueglass Interactive's new infographic combines tips on the type of content that works and features examples from brands who are making it work. …

Questions to ask to make sure you're following the best approach to social sharing

Social Sharing tools are the technology behind embedding of buttons and other widgets onto your website to encourage social sharing, recommending or bookmarking within your site and blog.

We have a separate post on the social networks that are most important to shares in different sectors and countries.

Despite their ability to spread your content, increase your traffic and even aid your SEO efforts, many sites are still ignoring or not using the right sharing tools. The infographic below from popular sharing service AddThis shows why it is essential to implement these tools effectively.

Why do people share content?

Making the best use of Social Sharing technology requires content that is worth sharing in the first place. A great piece of research was conducted by the New York Times…

If you're thinking of hiring an SEO or are an SEO - this is a must browse

Earlier in January, you may have seen a useful piece of research completed by SEOmoz that looked into the costs and service structure of SEO agencies. I've included that below, but the main reason for this post is to alert you to this excellent summary by Dan Barker (one of our Expert commentators) which features the UK and, in my opinion, is far clearer and so useful. You can checkout the full post and research on SEOmoz here. Turning to the UK data, from Dan, the most interesting for me, which prompts questions you should ask of your agency are... What services do you provide? Surprisingly few do content creation or promotion - surely a core 2012 SEO technique. A surprising number don't provide link-building recommendations What charging models do you use? Fixed price is offered by 51.9%, so…

Our framework for owning marketing success

Thanks for your comments and shares for our new Marketing Growth Wheel, it was good to see that many found this useful. We'll be going into more depth on how to apply this in our guides and templates for members  in future. By way of an introduction, I wanted to explain a bit more about our thinking behind it; why there is a need for a planned approach to digital marketing, yet the majority don't have a plan. Perhaps, the best way to explain the need for a planned approach to give you the right focus is through this...

A Typical conversation about digital marketing:

A person: "How do I get more traffic?" Me: "Do you need more traffic?" A person: "Yeah, of course, we always want more traffic!" Me: "Hmmm, sure. Is that the priority though? Isn't the real question around commercial growth and the priorities in [digital] marketing…

Our framework for marketing success

You may remember our strategic RACE framework which we created to provide a means to contextualise digital marketing tactics. We've developed this with a new visual to show a planning and management process to use on marketing projects. Our new Growth Wheel infographic developed in collaboration with First 10 Digital, aims to provide a visual way to think about your marketing planning focused on creating commercial growth by integrating digital channels. 

About the Marketing Growth Wheel

Our Growth Wheel uses a standard SOSTAC® approach to planning, but applied to using digital technologies and channels to create growth for a company. It's based on our experience in planning and implementation for many projects we've been involved with over the…