Chart of the day: Research by Google reveals why it's so important your mobile website has good user experience

Mobile experience directly affects conversions and whether users will purchase again.

Users who have a bad mobile user experience are 60% less likely to revisit and purchase from that brand in future. In addition, 90% of users who report having a good experience would purchase from the brand again. It isn't a "chart" as such, but as you can see from the graphics from Google below, those users who had an interruptive experience, which wasn't fast or smooth (in terms of load times etc) are less likely to purchase from that brand in future.

What do users need?

They need speed…

Chart of the day: 92% of NGO's have a Facebook page with only 39% have an Instagram profile.

According to new research recently published by Tech Report - Facebook is the most popular social media channel for global NGOs with 92% having a facebook page. Instagram, which was taken over by Facebook in 2012, only has 39% of NGOs creating a profile account.

How global NGOs use Social Media

Considering the nature of charities, it is important that their message is clearly portrayed, with many using visual content to provoke emotions and persuade their audience to donate, volunteer or spread awareness of global issues. This is why it is surprising that NGOs favour Twitter (72%) over Instagram (39%). Other social platforms that aren't utilized by many NGOs include Google+ (28%) and Whatsapp (16%).

NGOs Social Media usage continent breakdown

A more in-depth look at…

Chart of the day: Reporting the ROI of Social and Content Marketing proving difficult for marketers

As marketers we are constantly juggling more projects than seems possible at times -  planning the next campaign, delivering the current one as well as all the BAU activity of Email, Automation, Social, linking with the sales team and meeting...oh the meetings. It can feel like your in a whirlwind even with the most well thought out plans but one of the most turbulent times can be when you need to report on the ROI of particular activities. How do you find the right data? Is it accurate? How should your present it? It's hard. In a recent survey, TrackMaven asked marketers from 19 different industries what they were finding the most challenging when attempting to prove the ROI of their marketing. Of the many options, they could choose from attributing social and content to revenue leading the…

Chart of the Day: 2017 global email benchmark report

It's that time of year!

We have up-to-date email marketing statistics from the 2017 GLobal Email Bench mark Report from Sendgrid, best of all it's broken-down by industry. Here the statistics are taken from 2016 vs 2017 (although remember that 2017 isn't finished yet). But it does give a good indication of where we are in regards to industry standards. So, run your reports and see where you stand against the industry standards. So, fire up your ESP, run your reports and see where you stand against the industry standards. You could be doing better than you think. If not it could be time to make all those improvements you've always wanted to make. [table id=28 /] Source: 2017 Global…

Chart of the day: Youtube remains the main distributor channel to enhance engagement rates

Looking into the future, it is important that companies have a clear digital plan entering 2018. With a multitude of different platforms at every marketer's disposal, it can be challenging to know which ones need the most attention to connect with potential customers. However, there are some channels and media that cause the biggest disruption for marketers and their efforts to get their brand noticed. When we asked respondents about future disruptors to their busi- ness, people across the globe cited the current political landscape as a source of disruption in their jobs. For the rst time, we received a multitude of references to current events: Brexit, the current U.S. administration, economic crises, world politics, and even a call-out on currency uctuations in South Africa. For business leaders, uncertainty and fear in the political and…

Chart of the day: 44% of people use social media as their news source

Many blame Millennials for the decline in newspaper readership. It's not that millennials are not interested in the news it's just they consume it different compared to baby boomers and some Gen Xers do. Instead, they use social media to keep up with the news. It has been reported that 60% of millennials say they come across news when they are engaging in other activities, often on social media. Global Web Index studied 25 of the top online news publishers to see how we consume news in 2017. They found that 44% of internet users say they have seen their stories or videos via social media in the last month. As the time spent on social media increase YoY this was bound to be the natural progression of where we look for news. Social media…

Chart of the Day: Millennials  (18-34 year olds) utilize a greater range of channels before purchasing products online than Gen-X and Baby Boomers

As consumers, we are more savvy with our purchases that ever before. By the time we have finally decided to buy a particular product we will have spent a good chunk of time researching our options to try and find the best deal we can for the product that suits our needs. In research conducted by Salesforce surveying 4,000 consumers across the UK, USA and Canada, it was found that while the respondents spent most of their time researching on the internet before purchasing online they also spent a significant amount of time using multiple channels including email, in person, on mobile apps and more. Interestingly, there are significant differences between the behavior of millennials, Gen-X and Baby Bloomers. Millennials seems to not favor a particular channel after using websites with…

Chart of the Day: Do you need a separate, defined digital marketing plan or should it be integrated with your marketing strategy?

In 2017 you will often hear that we live and work in a post-digital world. That is to say since consumers naturally use a mix of traditional and digital media, as businesses, we shouldn't treat digital media and communications separately from other media and they should be integrated. 'Post-digital' is a compelling idea and I certainly believe that integration of digital activities into all marketing activities is essential, but what is the reality in businesses? Our recently published research report Managing Digital Marketing in 2017 in collaboration with Technology for Marketing 2017 (where we'll be exhibiting and I'll be speaking on the 27th and 28th of September), shows an interesting pattern of how businesses manage digital marketing through a planned approach: The green sector…

Chart of the Day: How many email platforms are you using (Sending) - Part 6 of 6

This week is the final post in our series, and we will be looking at the number of email platforms that are currently being used to send segmented, triggered, and transactional emails? (Catch-up on previous episodes.)

Why have more than one email platform? Doesn't that sound a bit dodgy?

Email Service Providers (ESP) have had a reputation of being simple send engines. Some may have had slightly different functionality but if you wanted something more, you had to pay for it. But what would be a legitimate reason to have more than one email platform? Cost: prices increased with the number of email contacts in your database. So to keep costs down, many would split their lists and join another ESP. Multiple…

Chart of the day: Research reports are king! Research reports are the content type that generates the highest conversion rate when used for lead generation

Research reports, video and social media content all provide a high conversion rate. Reports are viewed as quality content and lead to the highest conversion rates when compared with other types of content. They are helping brands to establish their integrity and credibility. The report also found: Over half (56%) use a mix of in-house resources and agency/ third party resources to produce their content for lead generation Just under half (49%) report that conversions are increasing marginally Almost 6 in 10 (57%) say that content download forms generate leads with the highest conversion rates, this is followed by webinar registration (42%). The key takeaway: Research reports and content downloads are performing best for conversion rates. These methods are worth…