Aligning training to marketing skills for 2015
B2B Marketing and Circle Research reported in their '2014 Professional Development Report' on how companies are carrying out their professional training and development, Interested in benchmarking your training or aligning your training to your gaps in terms of marketing skills? Their Infographic gives you a taster of the report's findings which is a paid report, and useful for supporting recruitment opportunities or building a business case for your training budget:
- The top marketing skills are employees with an understanding of 'Segmentation, Profiling and Customer Insight'.
- Top 2 skills gap are in 'Legal requirements' and 'Measurement and Reporting'.
- 62% of employers deliver ad-hoc training and the preferred delivery is face-to-face.
You can download their full infographic for more highlights from their Professional Development Report. Our Digital Marketing Roles Guide also shows key skills and roles in demand by companies.