7 things marketers need to know about the impact of Google’s latest change on SEO
Importance: [rating=5]
Recommended link: Google announcement - Helping users find mobile-friendly pages
- 1. Google will now give more prominence to mobile sites in the search results (SERPs). More prominence will occur thanks to a ‘mobile-friendly’ label:

- 2. This label will only appear in mobile search results. Which is what we would expect.
- 3. The change has been rolled out. We didn’t see this yesterday, but it is now visible, e.g. for a brand search for this site:

- 4. This isn’t a ranking factor change. Google has previously stated that mobile sites with errors may lose ranking, but this announcement just relates to the label. However, we can expect that this change will increase clickthrough rates on sites that have this label and decrease them for ones that don’t so it will affect traffic to some unknown degree.
- 5. The mobile-friendly criteria are defined at a top-level. The announcement lists these criteria
- Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
- Uses text that is readable without zooming
- Sizes content to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom [so responsive sites are recognised]
- Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped
- 6. You can use a testing tool to assess your site. A Mobile-Friendly test tool is available on the Google Developers site where you can test URLs. Ours is successful, phew, although with some errors.

- 7. This change isn’t unexpected. Google has been developing mobile site rendering tools to highlight mobile site effectiveness as described in this recent Smart Insights article and it has also changed it’s guidance on mobile SEO in 2013 to recommend the use of mobile responsive or adaptive sites rather than separate mobile domains.
We hope this guidance is useful - and that your site fares well in the test! Can you see other implications of this change?