Chart of the Day: Do you test? If not, why not? (Quality assurance) - Part 4 of 6
This week in our email marketing series, we will be looking at testing our emails. (Catch-up on previous episodes.)
While I'm typing this, I'm thinking of reasons why you wouldn't test your emails. And you know, other than being unsure how or what to test, there isn't a single reason why you wouldn't.
Mistakes happen, we are human. And believe me, I have made my share of mistakes - actually some pretty huge cock-ups. That sinking feeling when you realise something has gone wrong. You try to stop the dispatch, but it doesn't matter. It's out there now.
As Confucius said, "table your mistakes, learn from them, then move on." I learnt from my mistakes and now I'm probably one of the most cautious email geeks there are. So have faith my little email geeks - there is hope.
To start you on your road of testing, we need to know what we are testing for. Thus we need a checklist. Have a look at our infographic to help you on your way.
In the chart below, the respondents were asked if their company have a pre-send checklist that they run before sending every email. Almost half (49%) have a short checklist, while 28% have no checklist at all.
Wait. What? No checklist?
Thankfully there are 23.3% who do have an extensive checklist. But worryingly they are the lowest scoring in the chart.
So please my little email geeks:
- test all your links
- double check your dynamic content
- test your rendering in different email clients
- re-read your email copy
- and make sure you are sending the email to the correct lists.